Friday, August 31, 2012

Government grants for small businesses - Training

We hope that you are here reading this article for information on effective state subsidies for small businesses. Before you begin you should be aware that not having to return the grant money has a huge advantage to start a new business. What are the cons? The biggest drawback of this method of fundraising is the necessary documentation and bureaucratic inertia you have to do. However, the company will start off this type of financing more than compensate for your efforts.

Recognize the right to choose the

Finding the right grant can be time consuming and frustrating. Just one glance of the many sites on-line grant will be easy to prove this point. They are grouped by the establishment of the State and sometimes literally thousands of scholarships waiting to be claimed. It's about having the right education to find them.

Your main concern at this point should be to find a scholarship that matches your situation. Selecting the resource box will give you a solution to this problem. In fact most of your time and effort will be to find suitable grant matches unless you choose to save effort and time and look at the resources in the resource box.

Resources Needed

The federal government small business grant process is very similar to getting a loan from a traditional bank. You will need to provide tax information less, financial reports and business numbers.

It would be wise to find an accountant who works in your specific industry with business-related activities. This will help you build a grant application whose commerce information makes sense and can actually work. To enlist the help of an accountant who is familiar with the industry you will save yourself time and unnecessary effort.

Since you will need a business plan as part of the grant. The accountant mentioned before can also help make sure the numbers in your business plan make sense.

Next find a lawyer who has experience in grant and that has proven to be competent in these matters. The particular application, not mine be large enough to require the services of a lawyer. However, if it so be sure to hire one.

The lawyer you choose to work with should have experience in the grant application. They should also be able to guide you past common mistakes in the process of grant. With a long enough experience should be able to introduce you to other resources.

In summary

Now that you have read this article on government grants for small businesses has been exposed to some of the main problems of small businesses. First, there will be a lot of time and effort required to find a bag that suits your specific circumstances. If you want to ignore this concern then see the resource box. Secondly, even if you want to keep expenses to a minimum before obtaining a scholarship, there are some resources that will be a must. You definitely need a good accountant expert in their field to provide the numbers as well as corporate business plan for your feedback. You may need an attorney, and depending on the size of the grant you are seeking. Information is power potential and be able to apply this information is when things happen. If you are ready to do just that then check out my resource box for information that will assist you during the process of grant application .......

Maintenance Forklifts new and used - Safety checks daily for forklift trucks

Regardless of whether the trucks are new, or what kind of shape your truck is used, must be inspected each day before the equipment is used. Depending on the situation, may also require checks whether there is a displacement or driver change. This control includes daily two separate checks - a circle and an inspection.

Check Circle

As the name suggests, the first thing that all drivers have to do is go around their trucks and see if something could be a problem. We first want to take note of anything in or around the new or used forklift as well as his general condition. It should be reasonably clean and well maintained. You also want to move anything in the way it can be in terms of equipment that could cause the operator to fall as well as the elements around the truck that could cause a problem during the move. Finally, with a new or used forklift, make sure you're aware of everything above it, a load or the vehicle itself could come into contact with.

The internal operation of lift trucks must be inspected on a daily basis. The battery cables must be in good shape and working in top form. The connections should be snug with no wear and the battery should be kept in place. It should also be fully charged with the cells full and ready to go. Pins and chain, hoses, nuts, bold, guards, bolts and other items should all be in place and in good condition. Security features such as seat belts, lights and horns all they need to function properly and have no sign of wear.

The primary mechanisms of the lift truck are the last part of the control circle. Even if it is a forklift used, the forks may not show any sign of damage including segments of curves or cracking. The still all need to work. Finally, inspect the teeth to ensure that transport does not show signs of damage or wear.

Operations Control

Once the driver has completed the control circle, it is time to check the actual operating mechanisms of the machine. In all, three brake systems must be fully functional prior to use. First, ensure your place deadman brake applies when you are sitting and standing. The parking brake must hold a minimum when the throttle is applied and the brake pedal should lead to a smooth stop in a reasonable distance.

When it comes to driving the unit, which should govern with a reasonable amount of strength and be smooth. It must also move without hesitation to the extreme movements of the clutch and gears. The operations are next fork to test. See how it rises and falls, raising and lowering the forks up and down as much as they go. Then, they tilt forward and backwards all the way in both directions. All movements should be smooth and should take place. Once this is complete, listen to something unusual, check the hydraulic system for leaks.

No matter if you have a new TCM forklift, a forklift Toyota used, or how long you've been operating this type of machine. These checks are the only things that stand between a productive day and a dangerous situation. Forklifts are a valuable tool, and maintaining them and keeping them in optimal conditions, you can enjoy for years to come without incident....

The evaluation of a program - The scope of the evaluation

This is the third in a series of articles on program evaluation. You will also find others on this site.

At this point in the process, I am assuming that you already have a mission statement and a list of goals and performance objectives (statements) for the organization in place. Otherwise, see my article, "Evaluation of a program - let's start from the beginning with your mission, goals and objectives." You got input on these documents to all parties? You have reached the consensus? It's worth the sweat (and perhaps tears) it takes to develop a good set of instructions results. You can save a lot of work in the later stages of this process.

Once all this is set, we can further determine the scope of the assessment. While the results should, ideally, be useful to all stakeholders, what is the main reason you are doing this assessment at this time? Looking to show your overall effectiveness of an accrediting agency or a potential source of funding? Are you concerned about the continuing need for the program, at least in its current form? Is there a particular component of the program suspected of not doing what I should do? You are trying to determine if the population you serve is satisfied with the program? The answers to these questions will help you determine if you need to make an overall assessment of one or more limited in scope. You may care to make a quick Internet search for more information on summative vs. formative assessments.

If you have a little 'you've done any type of program evaluation, or if the balance is required by some external entity, an evaluation may be called for. In this case, we will try to gather information on the primary indicators of your effectiveness. Depending on what the organization does, examples might include: the number of clients served, the number who have successfully completed the program, the skills that were acquired by the end of the program, or those who have demonstrated continued success a year after they have completed the program.

It could, however, need an assessment selected, another small-scale. Maybe things in general seem to be going well, but have you noticed a pattern or trend in an area you would like to learn more. This could be particularly useful to make an informed decision on how to change policies or procedures. Or, perhaps there is some component or department within your organization that is doing particularly well and would like to learn more. Knowing the sources of that success could help others to replicate these strategies elsewhere.

Once you decide the appropriate scope of your assessment, take a moment to ask yourself some questions pragmatic. How can we imagine that at present this assessment, what information you need and you do not have the means to achieve it? Who needs to be involved in order to get the information you seek? You can count on their cooperation? How much time or as a radical change in their day to day activities will be needed? Keep things in perspective. It is not what the process of evaluating the program to strangle any good job getting the program.

If you feel like this article has raised more questions than answers, then I succeeded. The issues raised here are important in front of all the work to be done if there is no possibility that the findings will be useful. You have to know where you're going if you have any hope of reaching the correct destination. This does not mean that you always have the answer you had hoped, but at least it will not end the process of feeling like you asked a question, but got an answer to another.

As always, these articles are not intended to replace the need for professional advice, but to allow them to be more aware of the process of how you work with your advisor.

Good rating!...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

PowerPoint Tip - Importing a PowerPoint presentation into Flash

How do you bring a PowerPoint presentation in Adobe Flash? You can not do it directly, but you can save files in WMF format and import them into Flash.

This method does not preserve any animation or transitions. However, it is possible, of course, add Flash animations.

Here's how:

1. In PowerPoint, choose File> Save As. (In PowerPoint 2007, click the Office button> Save As.)

2. In the Save as type dropdown, select Windows Metafile (*. WMF) and click Save.

Note: WMF is a vector format, which means that the images are defined by the equations rather than points. WMF images can be resized without losing their resolution. Flash uses vector graphics.

3. A message appears asking if you want to export every slide or just the current slide. Click on each slide.

4. A message appears indicating the folder where you saved the slides. PowerPoint creates a subdirectory in the current presentation.

5. Open the Flash movie and click the first keyframe where you want to start.

6. Choose File> Import> Import to Stage. Find the file in the folder and click the first. Will name slide1.wmf, slide2.wmf, and so on. Click Open.

7. Flash asks if you want to import the entire sequence, click Yes.

8. Flash imports each slide of consecutive frames and makes every frame a keyframe. Save the file. Since you are importing a vector format, you can edit all objects and text in Flash!

9. To use the Flash movie, you will need to make some changes. Remember that Flash defaults to 12 frames per second and does not want the slides to go that fast! You can change the frame rate to create the equivalent of a timed PowerPoint presentation. For example, to display each frame for 4 seconds, set the frame rate to .25 fps. To do this, double click on the box in the low fps timeline to open the Document Properties dialog box.

10. However, a most common technique is to add a button on each frame for connection to the next frame. You can also add buttons to link to the previous frame and the first frame, thereby providing a navigation system for the user. The instructions for doing so are beyond the scope of this tutorial and vary depending on your version of Flash you are using .......


There is a special and direct economic value in real estate between Time and Value: as land becomes more scarce and appreciates the improvements on the land are subject to obsolescence and depreciation. Obsolescence is an economic variable used by governments, economists, experts and Realtors, reflecting the fact that the building located on a piece of land with the old time, just like me. And, unlike wine, a building that ages with time there is nothing better, once again, just like me. No wonder that I am in real estate - but I digress.

There are two types of depreciation when it comes to actual capital goods: physical and functional. And both the physical and functional depreciation can be classified as either curable or incurable.

[] Physical Depreciation

Physical depreciation represents the accumulated loss in market value caused by wear and tear from the date the building was completed. Curable physical depreciation refers to damage that can be corrected economically, and includes elements such as poor decorative accessories obsolete or broken, worn carpet, faded or old paint, appliances not in a proper work order as well as the roofs of aging. On the other hand physical depreciation incurable includes the wear of the structural elements and foundations in which the repair or replacement is likely to entail significant costs. These two types of depreciation are treated differently. The dollar amount of the deduction required for physical depreciation is generally reversible on the basis of the cost required to make repairs. In contrast, the allowance for depreciation is incurable physical more difficult to estimate, with the main cause of this difficulty lies in the determination of the residual life of the building.

There is no accurate way to estimate the cost of correcting physical incurable depreciation. In general, the cost of this type of correction is so great that, in terms of economy is the structure should be left in its present state or completely reconstructed. Governments tend to estimate the economic life of buildings in terms of straight-line depreciation, but this is so only because it makes the estimate of gains and losses, and whether they recover a little 'easier to determine from an accounting point of view. Experts and experienced Realtors, on the other hand, tend to formulate a hypothesis most often with regard to incurable physical depreciation based on visual observation, while economists are based on knowledge of regional market data comparable.

[] Depreciation functional

This type of depreciation describes the loss in value caused by outdated or inadequate design. Here too is necessary to distinguish between curable and incurable functional depreciation. Functional curable depreciation includes items such as the cost of replacing old equipment, installing an additional bathroom or otherwise make changes to the existing plan, for example, the creation of new ports and blocking old ones, or market trends as a result strengthening the visual layout of rooms with open and light-play. Also in this case, the amount of which is reduced the market value is in direct function of the cost involved in carrying out the necessary updates.

And, as before, the amount by which market value is reduced because of the functional incurable depreciation is entirely a matter of judgment and can not be determined by calculating the arithmetic. There are, of course, limits to what can be done to cure functional depreciation. For example, if an architectural style has gone out of fashion, nothing can be done and a factor of increased deduction will be applied. The opposite is true, of course, plans that never go out of style. For example, residential farmers are always at the top of demand and highly sought after by elderly couples and young alike, but for opposite reasons: the lack of stairs to the first maintenance and easy for the second.

Luigi Frascati ......

Apply 'Praise Motivation' to Employees

Motivate employees is expressing admiration for the employees by their manager. When they know that their output effort, ability, and work are respected, they are more likely to enjoy their work and attention to the directives of the office. The effect is a good working environment and high morale.

It is a eulogy Genuine Energizer Ultimate. It 'a sure way to build trust employees and encourage them to excel even more. The irony is that while most managers know that praise serves as a superb motivator, put this knowledge to work is another thing. Daily pressures, crises and mishaps at work sometimes make it difficult for managers to feel positive about their employees. It 'easy to forget what they are doing well, especially when other things go wrong, it takes time and attention.

Praise can take different forms and types. Managers can give nonverbal cues, like a pat on the back, a nod, or even the thumb. Why not drop a quick note that will make you feel good employees. Comments like "the work of John Large", "work by Bob Fine" or "You're doing very well Liz." are moral appeals.

There are other subtle ways to praise and make them feel important. For example, employees may be asked for their opinions. Foreword application may also be used as "I'd like to pick your brain Tom" or "Michael, you can probably shed some light on this for me."

Another simple motivator is to use the names of employees when they are spoken. Managers will get off to a good start if they learn everyone's name quickly and weaving in conversations. The workers respond more enthusiastically when their leaders speak in a tone friendly and personal.

New managers often assume that would minimize their praise. Otherwise, employees can understand that you expect all the time or abuse of this act. Yet there is no such thing as too much praise as long as it is based on actual realization. Every time a staff member earns the admiration, by all means, a manager should say.

Praise works best when it is specific. Expressing gratitude never hurts, but if it is explained why they were thanked for the effect is accentuated. Managers should make a habit of saying, "Thank you for ..." rather than mumbling "thanks" and walk away.

There are other ways to communicate to employees the praise. For example, write a note, sending a card-mail, or give a small gift or a day off in exchange for an outstanding job. The more a thank you that is conveyed in a creative way, the more an employee will work to earn.

Some work habits to master 'motivation honors' are the following:

Catch employees at their best: Set high standards and do not miss this opportunity to congratulate someone for overcoming them.

Recognize effort, not just the results: Some people will try - and fail. This is the perfect time to say: "I like the way you tried really hard." Not only the shoulders and say, "Oh well, at least you tried" or "Maybe next time." Recognize how commendable effort in itself.

Say it again - with feeling: Praise loses its luster if repeated too often. Once a eulogy was said, reiterating that should be avoided until the employee's face lights up. Some people do not react with joy to praise visible, but it does not mean that they are ungrateful or ignore it .......

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Greetings cards are opportunities for social networking

In a competitive business environment, it is important to retain existing customers and grow your customer list. Christmas cards and seasonal greeting cards are great, but do not lose opportunities to stay connected during other times of the year as well. Here are 5 business greeting cards that are sure to drive sales and provide opportunities for social networking too.

When your customers are treated like family members, are certain to continue to send business your way and make reference to the other so that the marketing dollars will grow. I remember them as they were a member of the family when sending greeting cards or a thoughtful gesture recognition is necessary.

Business Appreciation Business printed and are specifically designed to say just that .. . Appreciates you as a customer and welcome your business. By sending this form of greeting a customer business, they feel special and remember the next time you need your company can provide.

Congratulations Cards are great to boost self-esteem and promote a team approach in a business / customer relationships. Post cards of congratulations for a job well done or a big sale of a customer and have worked together to ensure. And, if you know of a personal success for a client or one of their family, remember to send congratulations for that. The same applies to the internal employees. A note of congratulations will certainly please and continues to inspire loyalty.

Get Well Cards are always appreciated when someone is sick and needs a kind word. Want to customers, colleagues and employees well and offer the concerns with this thoughtful gesture. Your sincere concern for their being and will be appreciated and rewarded in kind.

Sympathy cards are thoughtful expressions that are certain to be warmly welcomed and appreciated in difficult times of pain. Remember all those working with and for when they or their families have suffered a loss. A simple offer of sympathy will be a pleasant exchange when someone needs a kind gesture of reflection.

Thinking of You Cards can be sent at any time and for any special occasion. A great social networking tool, greeting cards can be sent whenever you just want to reconnect or stay in touch. This card, your name before a client and generate good will. Do not wait until something bad where you are asked to recognize someone, send a note saying you are in your thoughts just to brighten their day. This unexpected gesture is sure to satisfy, and enforce employment or personal.

Maintaining a supply of each of these cards business cards on hand for use in a moments notice. Add a brief note and your care is certain to be returned several times, growing and strengthening business partnerships and prosperity business .......

Work at Home Business Opportunities 2009

Opportunities knock only once. However, if you have Internet (the almighty almighty internet), opportunity knocks not only very popular. It hums even stronger if you are unemployed, bored, and feeling like you're rotting in your own ground. Try to take some 'time to reflect and think a really good work-at-home business opportunities.

You may have heard a lot of success stories at work-at-home business opportunities, however, you can not just figure out how these entrepreneurs have going. So, exactly how they did it? Let's walk through the three things-to-do-main:


The first title that every work-at-home business opportunities to ensure reliable is having a PC (Personal Computer) unit. A good computer is one that does not compromise the deadlines you've done online, and one that has only a thousand chance of screwing and (possibly!) ruin your entire career online. Remember that your PC will be your very own teammate or colleague. Also, make sure that your PC has an awe-good memory back-up. You know, just in case.

Another thing that goes hand in hand with a good PC is a good Internet connection. Have you heard of horror stories about missed deadlines due to an error internet. In the world of uncertainty in transactions as possible --- Internet --- you really build your credibility. Make sure to check before choosing your internet provider. Do not let your work-at-home business opportunities turn into acid muffins.

2. A CREATIVE capital

When you start a new business or swim through an opportunity, you must have a creative capital. A creative capital is a good intellectual, one that ensures its success for the entrepreneur because of the uniqueness and exclusiveness of his / her merchandise. It should come with a business concept or really good drawings. You should have a very marketable idea and should be something that can easily work in the vineyards of buzz marketing (word-of-mouth). After all, in the heart of any good business is a good idea. Also, remember that if your idea of ​​publishing on the Internet, in fact, it presents the proposal of an unlimited, infinite dimension. You may end up in the hands of imitators, and if they have a chance, they "steal" the idea from you. If you feel you need legal help, to patent! Protect it, it's your creative capital!

3. BUILD, rekindle and maintain a network POWER

If you are just starting out, it is important that you make known to you, your product, and what the product can do for perspective buyers. First, you must use all the contacts you have and had a great time. Try to find old friends, contacting all the members of your extended family and whip all the books of the year that you can get your hands on. Impress your main network and will work for you through (again) buzz marketing. Remember to maintain relationships with people who are part of the network. Yes, although bullying in middle school.

A work-at-home business opportunities can be easily converted into cash if it is handled properly. Remember to apply the basic principles of business management, as your effort widens the range of products and expands. Most of all, be very careful to do with online "customers". Like what you've learned some time ago, the Internet is a limitless arena. Anything can happen. Do not let anything bad happen to what was once an opportunity .......

How Public Relations (PR) Hype can create Celebrities?

Lately, I've thought about an interesting category news. It all started when a few months ago, almost every newspaper supplement every day in the United Kingdom announced the sad death of Jade Goody on the front page. While it is certainly a sad event, when I saw this news grabbing 2 of the top 5 reads the news on BBC website two things clicked in my mind regarding the advertising campaign and celebrity PR and marketing strategies.

First, in Liverpool I had a fellow academic who studies in the area of ​​celebrities and their impact on the masses. He also happened to be a fanatical football fan and I remember him telling me he had read the number of a thousand biographies of celebrities (including many players and the show) and had concluded that there was almost no inspiration in those memories (BTW, Jade Goody had!). It was just a skill that he had put most of these people in the mainstream media and once you are there, we know that the human struggle to be there.

The second thought that came into my mind in relation to the power of high technology, public relations (PR). I could be completely wrong, but the BBC obituary of Jade Goody notes "... hit the headlines as a young woman with shockingly poor general knowledge, which was often the object of derision of his fellow tenants" (BBC, , 2009). However, when you just type in Google Jade Goody is discovered with 5,130,000 results. Among these is a Wikipedia print pages longer, the official website, the news (of course in terms of gossip), a website and a perfume FAN website (Yes. ..)!

Thinking about this I did another Google search for Prof. Amartya Sen (yes, yes, the Nobel Prize 1998) and returned with 659,000 entries. Forgive Prof. Sen for comparison.

However, this demonstrates the power of public relations and how PR firms to exploit it.

I am amazed to see that society as a whole what we really look for and how our thoughts can be manipulated. It reminds me of Edward Bernays - the father of public relations and the grandson of Sigmund Freud - who believed in manipulating society and the consequent public. In one of his seminal works of propaganda, 'he argued that the manipulation of public opinion is a necessary part of democracy. He has used with success in 'breaking the taboo against women smoking in public' and even helping the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita Brands International) and the U.S. government to facilitate the successful overthrow of the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

Today, high tech public relations agencies have honed their skills with such finesse that a 'Miss Piggy' who reportedly thought a ferret was a bird, an abscess a green drink from France, that Pistachio painted the Mona Lisa, which there was a part of England called East Angular and that there was a language called Portuganese (Jeffries, 2009) obtained 2 of 5 and get better news on the BBC coverage of all the world media. I saw that almost never been achieved ...

Something is definitely going wrong in the macro-level social or think Bernays was right when he said: "The public has its rules and its own needs and habits. You can modify them, but they dare not in conflict with them." This is what we as today's news, is not it?


Power of public relations ......

Origin of human civilization

And 'more or less widely accepted that human civilization consisting of cities founded, organized governance, writing, production and trade began about five years ago in a region of land that includes the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, and the' Egypt.

The precise details of when and where specific aspects of civilization are not started yet fully known. There are many similarities between Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley - the sites of the first Earth civilization. These are some of the hottest, driest and most inhospitable places on the planet. It takes considerable agronomic and hydrological knowledge to convert the swamps and flood control to turn them into productive farmland. Civilization originated in these harsh, desert devoid of many of its resource base. Rapidly they invented mining, yachting, writing, cities, engineering and so on, and all this while most of the tribes of the world was still living as hunter-gatherers. It 'hard to explain the radical departure from the human norm by several tribes without invoking some genetic deviations insexplicable. Recent discoveries including the discovery of the sunken cities of the Gulf of Camaby India are still shedding new light on the issue. A possible scenario for the birth of civilization is as follows.

About six thousand years, a small tribal community living on the west coast of India, was inspired because of a still unexplained genetic evolution to begin construction of the foundation of cities and invent symbols to describe the first human words or language. They went out of their prehistoric existence as civilized human beings who wanted to develop ceramics, cities, and agriculture, and become literate through the development of writing. These communities have developed the first pictorial symbols to represent the names and a few human words. Staying at first a small community for the first few hundred years, these coastal populations were eventually forced to move north and west due to seismic and submergence of their coastal city of about five and a half thousand years ago. They chose only the arid plains to establish their new homes, along the largest river flowing at that time, since it is these that have been used to and familiar. Interaction with local communities already existing in their new habitat provided their workforce necessary for a rapid expansion of civilization. Forests because they fear the threat of wild animals and were completely familiar with mountain areas considering them unsuitable for agriculture and, therefore, these were avoided in the first march of human civilization. A branch of this community migrated to what is now Iraq and has developed the Sumerian civilization on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates. From there it spread throughout the Nile Valley as well.

The Indus valley people began to move towards Sumer as early as 3300 BC and established their first settlements in the ancient Sumerians. They spoke the language of their ancestors. It was a completely different language from that of the local population of the area. Ancient Sumerian language is different from other languages ​​in the area such as Hebrew, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Aramaic, which are Semitic languages, Elamite and a non-Semitic language of the tribal area with African connections. However, because the ruling class, the Sumerian colonists in the official language. The local population has continued to use the Akkadian language. The Sumerian language is an isolated language unrelated to other languages ​​of the land, many of whom belong to known groups of languages. The isolated nature of language is the proof that it belonged to a single tribe that had developed in isolation. Whenever an official language other than a local, is a clear indication that the rulers are of foreign origin. It 'amazing that the ancient historians on earth have not used this as a clue to trace the origin of the people who brought civilization in Mesopotamia. The extent of the civilized world around 3000 BC, is located in a strip that extends from the valley of the Nile to the Indus valley. From ancient Sumer is completely different from the local languages ​​around Mesopotamia, it is not hard to see where these new settlers came. Their language was different from that of the Nile Valley as well. However, since it was the Sumerians who founded the civilization in the Nile Valley as some of their vocabulary did enter Egypt and continues to be used up to now, such as the Khet word for a farm. By the time the Sumerians reached the valley of the Nile did not need to establish Sumerian as the official language of the Nile valley since they were familiar with local languages ​​of the area. As intermarriage between Sumerians and Akkadians local managers has increased, Sumerian was replaced by Akkadian as a spoken language around 2000 BC. However, he continued to be used as a sacred, ceremonial and scientific language in Mesopotamia until about 1 AD. Since the beginning of the second millennium, Babylonians and Assyrians maintained and used the Sumerian language died out in much the same way the ancient greek and Latin are used for artistic purposes, and religious scholars today.
Although the Sumerian language is not a language Indo-Aryan that uses the primary system for the development of words. This was later adapted by Indo-Aryans in the development of Sanskrit in the Indus Valley. The use of the Sumerian language was first started in the southern and northern Mesopotamia spread indicates the direction from which the Indus people arrive in Mesopotamia, probably through the sea route. Ancient scribes have given the equivalence between the Sumerian and Akkadian words, and these can be used to advantage by historians struggling to decipher the Indus script. So far they have been looking elsewhere, trying to establish the equivalence with the Dravidian or Indo-European languages ​​and it failed. The Indus language was replaced by Indo-Aryan Indus Valley, as in much of the old world with the arrival of Aryans. Some of the words of the Indo-Sumerian, however, continue to persist in local dialects so far.

Egyptian civilization began with an ancient historical event. The Sumerians Nirmer Menes with his son and an army of 5000 guards in Akkadian conquest of the Nile Valley around 3200 BC. They followed the trail north along the Euphrates, which has reached the valley of the Nile through Syria. On the outskirts of the Nile valley have subjugated the local populations of African origin and further expanded their army, eventually conquering the Egyptian valley without much of a fight. A prehistoric flint knife with a handle carved from the tooth of a hippopotamus, in possession of the Louvre, and found at Gebel el Arak near Nag Hamadi depicts a scene from conquest. On one side of the neck is a battle scene including some remarkable representations of ancient vessels. Many of the warriors are naked except a lap belt, but as a group of fighters have their heads shaved or short hair, others have abundant locks falling into a dense mass on the shoulder. The naked warriors are obviously of African descent locally. It shows the wisdom of the conquerors in using the premises for their campaigns. On the other side of the handle is carved with a hunting scene. In the upper field is a remarkable group, consisting of a character taken with two lions arranged symmetrically. The rest of the composition is very different from other examples of prehistoric Egyptian carving in low relief, but here attitude, figure, and clothing are non-Egyptian. The hero wears a turban on abundant hair and a beard down his chest full and round. A long wearing clothes from the waist and falls below his knees, muscular calves ending in the claws of a raptor. There is no doubt that the heroic character is represented in the familiar pose of the hero Gilgamesh struggling with the Babylonian lions, a favorite of the early Sumerian and Babylonian seals. His head is Sumerian, rather than Egyptian. The same design is unmistakably of Mesopotamian origin. There was no physical barrier to the use of river-route from Mesopotamia and Syria of the tracks from there south along the land bridge to the Nile delta.

After the conquest Nirmer (The Scorpion King), he returned to Babylon, leaving his son Menes to head the new kingdom. Menes unifies communities scattered throughout the Valley of the Nile. There he founded the first Egyptian dynasty with a Sumerian civilization. The unitary state has led to the development of writing, the start of construction on a large scale and venture out from the Nile Valley to trade. The most remarkable evidence of cultural connection is shown the architecture of the ancient tombs of Egypt and Mesopotamia Dynastic seal impressions show exactly similar buildings. One problem that soon Sumerian ruling class faced upon arrival in Egypt were the different religious beliefs, even to the contrary. Egyptians glorified while the Sumerian flood is feared because of their religious records of the flood that had inundated their original homeland and beautiful city on the west coast of India leading to their exodus. However, the Sumerians soon assimilated all that they have found useful in the new land and then developed their own culture even more. Unlike the settlers of the eighteenth century the Sumerians arrived in each new territory with the intention to make it their home and the progression stronger as they marched westward. However, the Nile valley was the limit of their expansion because their were no other major rivers crossing vast arid plains west of the Nile. Nimes established the first Egyptian dynasty. The second Egyptian dynasty that ruled the symbol of the dog rather than a bird that seems to have emerged on Egyptian soil itself.

Business Secured Loans - Funds to start a new business

Are you a self-employed facing shortage of funds to start a new business? If yes, then this article is just for you. You have some 'important collateral equal to the amount you really need to borrow? If once again your answer is yes, then apply for business loans guaranteed may be useful for you. This financial help is really effective when you need large amounts of money on your new venture.

The amount borrowed can be used to perform multiple tasks:

1. The funds can be used for the purchase of land for the launch of an office or the purchase of an office.
2. You can also use the borrowed amount for the construction of machinery, the registration process and related issues.
3. The loan can be used to borrow for business expansion as new facilities, upgrade technology and recruiting fresh candidates, among others.
4. You can use the borrowed amount for the purchase of raw materials, wages of employees, travel expenses and buying stocks and shares.


The funding mechanism provides great support and money you can choose an amount for personal use, that is between 1000 and 750000. This selection depends on the cost of guarantees provided. Normally, you get 90% of what comes after selling your warranty. Come to the repayment period, you can return the borrowed amount in small installments and flexible from 1 to 25 years. And 'secured lending arrangements, so that low interest rates are as authentic as the creditor must guarantee to get his money.

Conditions of eligibility for the applicant:

1. To borrow business loan, you should be permanent citizen of UK.
2. You must have a test with living proof of identification or driver's license.
3. You must have some assurance important in actively.
4. You must have an active bank account under your name.
5. Finally, you need good repayment ability....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Working Capital - the essential component for a successful business

Not all employers understand the importance of maintaining a consistent cash flow, but most financial executives know that this is the key to any successful business ownership, and this should be your top priority, as an entrepreneur with experience . Ensure that your company may hold adequate capital work is simply vital. This working capital can be used for payment of the lease, employee salaries, and almost all other operating costs that are involved in the daily life of your business. Even the highly successful business owners may need to fund working capital when unforeseen circumstances. Here, to know when the financing options come in handy, which can help manage the company funds appropriately and meet all obligations in relation to companies, which also provide adequate financial security for the future.

It 's very common that the lack of adequate cash flow makes it very difficult for a small business to cope with the daily costs of work. Especially when the risk of unforeseen costs are always around the corner, so it becomes much more important to ensure the bottom in order to avoid unintended consequences. These phases of financial setbacks can be addressed using the benefit of this type of advance.

The amount varies widely from company to company as the needs and circumstances of companies ranging from one another. To help your business stay afloat traders know how important a steady cash flow, and they also know that she will need a positive working capital. Every company must manage its working capital well so that they can reduce or even eliminate the cost of money borrowed from financial institutions find it difficult and expensive. And this applies not only to small businesses, even large enterprises need appropriate management to stay afloat, because the bigger they are The Harder They Fall.

A guaranteed cash advance can help the company continue its daily operations, and the strain of the task when trying to pay back the deposit shall be refunded advanced through future credit card sales. Since the cash advance is paid from future sales of credit cards, there will be a fixed payment schedule or late payment fees. With this type of cash advances on merchant can have peace of mind as there is no personal guarantee and collateral requirements, making it a great option. One of the biggest advantages of using cash advances from future sales of credit cards is that there will be no penalty for a late payment. Adding all these up will give you a great alternative to traditional bank loan, of course, will be more expensive, but keeping in mind all the advantages, it is worth it.

The funds that cash advance can provide your business can be used for extensions, improvements, or simply call it renovation, purchase or rental of equipment modern and more efficient equipment or machinery, the payroll of the employee, in essence, a loan working capital you invest your money where it is needed more, all these make working capital loans to a very open and flexible cash advance and compared with a bank loan, would be very easy to see the benefits of a unsecured loan of working capital....

Conflict, Leadership, and The Leadership Talk

Conflict comes with leadership as the sparks fly upward. If you do not want to deal with conflict, leadership is not your thing.

Being a leader is not about IF you are aiming to conflict, but HOW. In fact, no other skill (in addition to being able to obtain results), so forms career of people such as the ability to address the conflict.

Conflict and leadership go hand in hand because leadership often involves challenging people to do what you do not want to do. If people did what they wanted, the leaders would not be necessary. Great results do not fall like manna from heaven. Their implementation involves people who have to step outside their comfort zones, take uncomfortable decisions, and engage in new actions baffling. Leadership helps to guide and motivate people to do those things.

There are countless books, articles, etc. dedicated to conflict resolution. But let me give you a tool that I have taught the leaders of all ranks and functions worldwide for over 22 years. And 'Leadership Talk.

As the discussion leader is results-oriented and deals with fundamental human dynamics, can be a way unparalleled to help you deal with the inevitable conflicts you'll face.

(The many books and many other articles I wrote on the topic Leadership can be seen on my site.)

Here are the three essential elements that must follow in dealing with conflict and how the conversation Leadership can help you manifest the essential ones.

1. Establish a deep, human, emotional connection with people you're dealing with. In case of conflict, keep in mind that the message is not only the message, the message is the messenger. How to deal with the conflict and the WHO has in dealing with conflict is important, if not more, than what is the conflict. Abraham Lincoln explained the importance of how and by whom: "If you want to win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend ... Suppose to dictate to his judgment, or to command his action, or to mark the as a being shunned and despised, and he will retreat within himself, close all roads to the head and his heart, and tho 'your cause be naked truth ... you're not able to reach him to penetrate the hard shell of a turtle with a rye straw. "

The Leadership Talk helps you to manage not only the WHAT of the conflict, but also the how. This is a clear practical path to win the hearts of the people who are in conflict with, simply because its guiding principle is essential to Lincoln to convince the other side of your good will and sincerity.

2. Be guided by and through the power process. It 's important for your career to have a simple, clear process for conflict resolution to guide your thoughts, words and actions. One can not follow exactly in every case, but it can help you better manage the enormous variety of conflicts that are to face.

The Leadership Talk is a powerful process of conflict resolution because it involves the human aspects of practical and structured ways. For example, one of its processes called the Three-trigger Motivational Process. When you face conflict, you should ask three questions. If you say "no" for the answer to any of these questions, you can not make a speech Leadership. The questions are: 1. You know what the audience needs? 2. Can you bring deep belief to what you're saying? 3. You can get the audience to act?

3. Stay focused on results. Since leaders do nothing more important to obtain results, the fruits of our way of dealing with conflict should be assessed if we are hindering or promoting the results.

In leadership, not enough to resolve conflicts, we must also in the process of getting increases in results. Forget trying to create "win / win." This can be a trap game. In fact, in many cases, a win / win objective might hinder the results to keep people going to the next step, results-generating step.

The Talk Leadership sees the conflicts we are engaged not only in terms of conflict resolution, but the generation of results. In addition, its purpose is not only to achieve common results, but more results, faster results on an ongoing basis.

Since the conflict will always be with you as a leader, you should welcome it as an opportunity to get increases in results. When using Leadership Talks, you'll always get those results.

2006 The Filson Leadership Group, Inc..

Republication: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is to the author, and appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to: ......

Maximize your job-hunting efforts with pharmaceutical sales interview questions and sample resumes

If you're looking to become a pharmaceutical representative, apply for jobs and preparing for interviews can be stressful. Fortunately, there is no need to pursue your career alone. We are experts in the pharmaceutical industry who want to share their knowledge with you and give you the edge you need. Here are some challenges you might face and how a career consultant can help.

Create an effective curriculum

Your first goal is to create a unique curriculum that pharmaceutical employers and hiring managers will notice. Pharmaceutical Resumes must be professional and unique, and clearly indicate your work history, training of pharmacists and / or experience, abilities and special talents. The curriculum should reflect a clear desire to be a pharmaceutical sales representative and how you feel can benefit the company. A consultant can help you prepare an effective resume and usually provide a set of sample curriculum to meet your needs.

Preparing for interview

Products and advice from a consultant can only help prepare a great resume, can also help them prepare for interviews. Landing an interview is not to say that you have the job yet. What it means is that your resume has caught the attention of the hiring manager and made them want to know more about you. How to perform and present themselves during the interview will determine if you get the job or not.

A pharmaceutical career consultant can help you learn to dress appropriately for an interview and how to respond to all questions that may come up. In the pharmaceutical sales, a hiring manager often trick questions, and your response is likely to prove to them how to handle situations that arise with customers in the future.

Preparing for behavioral issues as well. These are questions about certain situations that you handled in the past and how he responded to such situations. To be completely honest in your story, because the interviewer will probably dig deeper for more details after you have finished describing the situation. You should be able to provide concrete answers to all their questions.

A consultant can also help build a brag book highlighting your past experiences and accomplishments. A brag book can help you share your accomplishments with the hiring manager in a visual way. You will learn how to build a nice brag book, what to include and what not to include and how to present your achievements in the past so awesome.

Pharmaceutical sales career counselors are available on-line and provide the tools necessary to put your best foot forward. They can provide useful examples of pharmaceutical sales interview questions and sample resumes to help build confidence. Some also offer the wisdom gathered by doctors, hiring managers, and other successful sales reps. With valuable information from experienced professionals, you can get ready for a profitable and satisfying career in pharmaceutical sales. Your dream career is within walking distance!...

Emerging Trends in Customer Relationship Management


The greatest challenge of managing in the new millennium of liberalization and globalization for a business is to serve and maintain good relations with the king-the customer. In the past, manufacturers have their customers for granted because at the time that customers were demanding and did not have many alternative sources of supply or suppliers. Since he was a passive customer, the producer dictated terms and had little commitment to customers. But today there is a radical transformation. The changing business environment is characterized by economic liberalization, increased competition, consumer choice, high, enlightened and demanding customers, more emphasis on quality and value of purchase.

All these changes have made producer on duty today at modern marketing from traditional marketing. Modern marketing requires more than developing a product, pricing it, promoting it and making it accessible to reach customers. Requires trust building, a binding force and value added relationship with our customers to win their hearts. The New Age marketing aims to win customers forever, where companies greet the customers, create products to meet their needs, work hard to develop lifetime customers through the principles of customer satisfaction, approval and enthusiasm.

WHAT 'Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The process of developing a collaborative and cooperative relationship between buyers and sellers is called Customer Relationship Management CRM just called.

CRM aims to focus all organizational activities towards creating and maintaining a customer. CRM is a new marketing technique in which the marketing seeks to develop long term relations of cooperation with customers to develop customer as a time of life. CRM aims to make the customer go up the ladder of loyalty.


How strong competition becomes a way of doing business is the customer who calls the shot as to the nature of products and services offered on the market. Customers are becoming demanding, dominant and selective. In reality, the perceptions and expectations of customers have experienced a sea change, with the availability of banking services to customers at their door steps through the help of technology.

Marketing services the client seeks two major goals: prosperity in the bank and customers satisfied. Banks offer tangible services such as credit programs, interest rates and account types and intangible services such as behavior and efficiency of staff, speed of transactions and the atmosphere. Banks may need to include customer-oriented approach and customer focus in its five business areas such as accessibility Cash, security of assets, bank transfer, deferred payment and financial advice.

There are four strategies available to managers of customer relations:

o To save or win back customers

Ø To attract new customers and potential

or to build loyalty among existing customers and

or cross-sell or offer services.

The future of banking a lot depends on the ability of banks to develop close relationships with customers. In order to develop close relationships with clients in the banking sector must focus on technological innovations that offer convenience-oriented customers. Today, customers are offered ATM services, access to Internet banking and phone banking and credit cards. These have high bank beyond the barriers of time and space.


Marketing of banking services means the organization of activities and programs right in rendering services to the right people at the right place at the right time at the right price and with the right communication and promotion. Marketing of banking services encompass the following unique features

inviolability-that either can not be physically seen or owned, but it can only be experienced.

The inseparability-or their production and consumption occur simultaneously.

or variability-are highly variable depending on the customer.

perishable nature, or that can not be stored.


"Change" is a continuous process and the banking industry is no exception to this natural law. Change in the Indian banking sector is inevitable due to the implementation of financial sector reforms and policies in the country. The main objective of financial sector reforms is to promote an efficient competitive and diversified financial system in the country. Indian banking sector has undergone tremendous changes after the process of liberalization and globalization has started since 1991. These changes have forced the Indian banking sector to adjust the product mix to make quick changes in their processes to remain competitive in a global context.


The entry of more foreign banks and new private sector banks, lean and agile foot structure, better technology, market orientation and cost-effective measures, have intensified competition in the Indian banking sector. Financial institutions have begun to enter the domain of banks. In recent years, the share of assets of public sector banks has decreased significantly. Then there is the urgent need for the Indian banking industry to change its marketing strategy to attract customers and to withstand the stiff competition from foreign banks and new private sector banks.


The advent of technology both in terms of computers and communications has drastically changed the method of banking. In banking, technology has opened new perspectives and, in turn, has brought new opportunities to do the same job in different ways and to greater cost-effectiveness. The technology helps to have 24-hour banking, all seven days a week. Tele banking, Internet banking and e-banking have opened up new business potential and opportunities that remain unexplored here. All this technological progress could pave the way for home banking than branch banking.


Another major force for change in the Indian banking sector is innovation. Banks are innovative, pro-active hours a day and offer a first class service to customers. Play a dynamic role not only as a provider of finance, but also as a department store of finance. As a result of this, new products such as merchant banking, mutual funds, leasing, factoring, forfeiting, management consulting and venture capital are emerging. These services can increase revenue with innovative cost effective measures.


To cope with new challenges, banks must find new ways to meet customer requirements. To help the banking staff to obtain sufficient exposure to the technology packages appropriate hardware and software applications according to their works must be provided. In addition, a separate wing of marketing can be created in each bank to market their banking services. They must be adequately trained to keep pace with the changing environment. In order to meet the challenges, the Department of Human Resources in the banks must prepare plans for labor and the appropriate strategies.


The recent trend of globalization and liberalization, posed serious problems for domestic banks. The entry of new banks and foreign banks in the private sector with their advanced knowledge-based automation in banking strategies and aggressive marketing has pushed the public sector banks in a tight corner. Potential customers have begun to move to foreign banks and private sector banks. To survive and succeed, banks must identify the areas of marketing, develop the right resources, convert these resources in a healthy and efficient services and deploy them effectively meet the different tastes of customers.

Embryos, Ethics, and edicts

The general concern about the ethical type 2 PGD / HLA testing is the moral status of the embryo. Many books have been written on this topic and many others are covered.

A number of outliers on the bell curve of ethical commentators were that life begins at conception (or, otherwise, fertilization). The Group of antipodes, as the embryos are neither persons nor sentient, they have a moral status and can be experimented upon without ethical constraint.

A central location states that, even if the embryos are not people, and are not sentient, are due particular interest as symbols of mankind. This configuration can be described morale as "the dominant view that the preimplantation embryo has only a limited moral value" .1

But this view does not imply that any and all forms of testing are appropriate. Significant value to humanity must be derived from embryo research to be considered ethical. Research purposes can not be trivial - such as research on embryos would not be morally justified.

Many were concerned about the creation of embryos for instrumental purposes only. Apparently this violates Kant's prohibition against using people merely as a means. But the embryos are not persons, and Kant means / ends imperative does not apply to embryos created exclusively to provide HLA-matched stem cells.

Regardless, for those who believe that destroying embryos is murder, moral and philosophical considerations and other arguments are irrelevant. For these people, PGD / HLA testing is bad and should be banned.

Many of those who are not so extreme it may still have concerns about the creation of a human life to be for the purposes that involve his destruction. A counterargument might note that many embryos are created as part of PGD / HLA testing procedure. Some of this group of healthy embryos could be donated to infertile couples, so there would be a net gain of life. Another counter-argument refers to the value and proportionality. The destruction of the embryo - which is 9 months removed from getting all the experiences of life - is weighed against saving the life of an individual who already has many years of life experience and that has goals, hopes and intentions.

Type 2 PGD / HLA testing has many significant advantages over the type 1 test. The main advantage is to avoid the need for a developing fetus and the distribution of a newborn. All possible ethical difficulties with bringing a new baby in the family are similarly avoided by testing type 2. This ethical dilemma involves a sick parent, whose ability to make objective decisions about a child savior would be seriously compromised. This situation is completely avoided type 2 test.

The issue of distributive justice is a fundamental problem in all aspects of reproductive genetics and genetic medicine in general. The costs of both type 1 and 2 PGD / HLA tests are significant. In the absence of financial support for people in middle and lower socioeconomic strata, these procedures will be used exclusively by the rich. Moral and ethical considerations require an equitable distribution of these resources. In Europe, the centralized government could do PGD / HLA testing available to a defined group. A national lottery could distribute the limited funds. In the financing of the United States would need to come from private foundations. It 's unlikely that federal funding would have provided for procedures that involve the creation and destruction of embryos.

PGD ​​/ HLA testing should be regulated by governments. For example, the test for the phenotypic characteristics such as the type of body and hair and eye color, should be canceled. Ongoing national campaigns should be directed towards functional training of medical and scientific citizens.

1DE Wert G, et al: The future (r) evolution of preimplantation genetic diagnosis / human leukocyte antigen testing: ethical reflections. Stem Cells 25 (9) :2167-2172, 2007 .......

3 ways to make money online right away without investing a cent

Desperately need money? Here are some interesting ways to make money online immediately.

Online Surveys

There are companies that pay you to take surveys online. Many will enter the sweepstakes, but others pay cash. Some companies prefer to give prizes like plasma TVs, computers, iPods and more. In any case, spend a few minutes and get rewarded with money or goods.

Provide a service

Can you write? There are a lot of writing jobs available where you can get $ 5 - $ 15 per 500 word article. You can program? Do you have graphics capabilities? You can go to sites like and to find a huge list of available jobs. You will be surprised by the variety of jobs.

Affiliate Marketing

In all three ways to make money online immediately, this is the way of the three most difficult but promising. Many companies will pay to sell their products online. You refer customers to their site, while the company provides its products or services. For every purchase or subscription, you get a commission. Commissions can be a percentage of purchase or a lump sum, and it is quite possible to get more than a $ 100 per sale. As I said, this is harder than the other two, but you can learn to do it fairly easily.

Acting is very important here. As the saying goes - just do it! Go ahead, just try and you will see that even a beginner can make money online immediately.

My advice is - start small. Take some surveys, providing a service, and / or draw on affiliate marketing. With the money earned will then be able to purchase tools that will take you to the next step - and then you could quite possible to go into millions.

It's a funny world out there and the possibilities are endless. Go out there and make money online immediately. Do not regret it ....

Cheap Local Advertising

The Internet has become a trusted resource these days for business and personal needs. Everything is online. Even local businesses like muffler shops and craft stores have a website. The people have done successful business to teach others how to build an online business. The problem is that when we look at the information on how to promote our local businesses online, all you get is information on how to start an online business marketing.

The purpose of this article is to expose a service that is fast becoming the primary method of online marketing for local business. What is this super secret? Web Coupons!

There are countless services out there that enable enterprises to bid for local people on the Internet. Many of these services are oriented toward domestic firms with a presence on the internet already great, but some are geared specifically for small local firms. These services are the best way for a local business to compete with the "big dog" line.

The advantages of using these services can be huge if you find the right ones. Using online coupons can increase your repeat business and reference, and to generate more new business. Here are some things you need to look for:

First, make sure the service you use has a way to target their users with only local ads. Get your wonderful, save money and coupons in front of a customer in Phoenix, AZ it does absolutely no good if you are an Auto Body Shop in Chicago, IL.

Secondly, it's a good idea to know exactly what consumers see, and what kind of experience they have. The money does not work for you, if no one really sees your coupon. Make sure that the site does not bombard people with e-mail and promotions. Just because someone has opted in, does not mean they want everything that is sent to them. Some services do not require consumers to register or provide any information to log on to the good. These sites are preferable.

Thirdly, you should be able to customize your offerings. Needs change, so do the needs of the target audience. Make sure that you can change the nature of your offer as often as possible at no additional cost.

These are basic needs that you want to make sure they are satisfied by the service of choice.

I found a service that actually has a step further and offers free Point-of-sale materials to keep your customers coming back, dynamic menus and search options, and can also add your own categories to obtain the customers to focus on their business. These are all important features that need to be aware of. Since this is an informative article and not an ad, I will not name this particular service, but feel free to contact me for more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope that gave you some information on how to use the Internet to promote your business .......

Monday, August 27, 2012

Use of testimonial letters to boost sales

The proper use of testimonial letters can add credibility to your business and profitability to your bottom line. Many sales organizations are unable to use this method simple and convenient way to reach new markets and customers. The formula to get testimonial letters is quite simple. The best time to ask for a testimonial letter immediately after the sale has been made. This prevents the dreaded "Buyers Remorse" and reinforces the decision that the customer has just made doing business with your company.

One way to do this is to ask the customer to write a testimonial letter to include their candid about their experience with the product or service and also their experience with sales and customer service representatives.

Regardless of how you do it, the contents of the letters' can act as a powerful motivator and training tool for your employees.

If a letter is returned with positive comments can be viewed at the office to highlight the exemplary behavior of the specific employee who would help lead other employees to model this kind of experience for current and future customers. If the behavior is inappropriate or inconsistent with the image you are trying to represent, this is an excellent time to address the behavior with the employee and provide corrective coaching behavior. In many cases, without the benefit of this kind of feedback, you may not be aware of this behavior problem.

Use the database to extract the business prospects of a LetterYou Witness staff can use the current database to extract data from enterprise customer contact, which can then be used to create direct mail pieces as part of a campaign letter testimonial.

Database marketing, explains business writer Mark Hendricks, aims to "not make the sale, but to keep the customer." The basic technique is to use the database records of past purchases of the customers and the frequency and amount of past purchases, to create targeted mailers that allow you to keep in touch with your customers. The most popular of these mailers are listed above.

But another type of mailer, which is fast and inexpensive to produce, often proves the most powerful of all: personal power letters.The testimonial testimonial testimonial of a personal letter personal letter, as submitted by Jay Levinson, is a page letter that sums up what a customer has just purchased and then describes their overall satisfaction with your company's products or services that the customer has just purchased - or simply to provide useful business information. It is transmitted in short, what your product or service has done for that customer in terms of service, care and competence.

If you want to make the maximum impact on your testimonial letter campaign with your customer database, take the time to concentrate on clients individually, writing them personal letters adapted to their specific situation. Mention that you phone in a week to follow up on letters that you've just emailed or issues you have faced. For more impact, add a handwritten postscript summarizing the main message. Statistically, if you remember nothing else, the "PS". will! If you follow these marketing methods and tested to obtain more and better testimonial letters, you will see a dramatic increase in customer loyalty and profits to your bottom line. Thanks for letting me share with you my thoughts about using testimonial letters to increase sales! Doug Dvorak 847.359.6969 - ......

Successful Sales Letters - Write Them Yourself or hire a copywriter?

The key to success in Internet marketing is being able to convert site visitors into buyers. That's why Internet marketing is known as "direct response marketing" - you want those visitors to the website click the order button and we'll send the money to pay for your product / service.

To convert more site visitors into buyers, you must have compelling sales copy. Improve your sales copy will improve your income because better sales copy will have more people to buy your offer, bringing your profits soar.

Now that you know that your sales letter is the key to the level of income you receive, you must decide if you want to write a sales letter alone, or if you want to pay someone else, third, to write it.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each option:

The pros of you write:

- It 'less expensive if you write it, since it will not pay anyone else to do it for you. Many beginning Internet marketers choose this option to keep their costs.

- You can make the changes you want to do immediately, without waiting for a third party for them.

- Once you master the skills of copywriting, you can generate cash almost at will again and again.

The Cons of you write:

- You must take the time to write yourself.

- You must learn the skills of copywriting, which can be time consuming and for many who despise the writing is beyond question.

The pros of paying others to write:

- You can focus on what you do well (creating products, creating websites, etc.) instead of struggling to write your sales letter.

- You have more time to focus on things that are good instead of taking time to write your sales letter.

- Your sales letter will probably have a higher conversion rate if a professional write your sales letter.

The Cons of payment to third parties to write:

- It can be very expensive to get a sales letter written by a third - up to $ 25,000 for a sales letter.

- It could even cost you a percentage of every sale made by the sales letter on the third set.

As mentioned before, those who are starting in internet marketing you probably want to write your own sales letter in order to contain costs, since they do not have the money to pay a professional copywriter to write a sales letter for him / her . So learn to do it yourself may be the way to go if you do not have a huge budget.

And, as mentioned before, you get the added benefit of being able to create future sales letters whenever you choose, if you learn to write sales letters alone ....

Income from work as a notary public is free from self-employment tax

The work of notaries is required with all the many people who buy or refinance their homes. A notary must certify the signatures of many of the closing of a purchase or refinancing of real estate. A lawyer serving as a civil servant who is a witness linked to a signature. In Florida and perhaps in other states, a notary may also perform a marriage.

While the net income of a lawyer is subject to federal income tax, is not subject to self-employment tax. Section 1402 (c) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations Section 1.1402 (c) -2 (b) provide that the income of a lawyer is not subject to self-employment tax.

If a notary has other activities such as self-employed person, the notary must pay self-employment tax on net income from another company. The notary must keep separate accounts of income and expenses for each separate activity.

The employee notary reports the revenue and expenditure to serve as a notary Schedule C of Form 1040. However, the net income by serving as a notary public does not turn on Schedule SE because the net income by serving as a notary public is free from self-employment tax.

If the taxpayer has erroneously paid self-employment tax on net income by serving as a notary public in previous years, the taxpayer should consider submitting an amended return 1040X form to request a refund for all open years. In general, a taxpayer has two years from the time when the taxpayer paid the taxes or three years from the date on which the taxpayer filed the return, whichever is later, to claim a refund. Taxpayers should consult a competent tax professional before filing an amended return .......

8 Tips for Effective Facilitation

If you are a, leading manager, consultant or trainer, it is likely that you will need to facilitate meetings, events or workshops from time to time. So what are 8 tips for effective facilitation?

Get clear on the objectives

All participants must be clear about the objectives or results that are trying to get as a result of the facilitated session. Make sure these are fully discussed and agreed.

Set ground rules

Facilitated sessions can be challenging and exciting and it's easy for things to get out of hand. Agree a set of ground rules with the group and make sure they are prominently displayed so that they can be used a reference point in case of disputes.

Keeping in focus

In a facilitated session, it is easy to drift off the point or go off on tangents. Keep the focus on goals and outcomes to ensure that your session remains on track.

Do not allow one person to dominate

This can be a challenge especially where people are older and seek to use their position to dominate the proceedings. As the facilitator must take control and deal in a way that does not endanger the individual.

Involve the quiet participants

Look for ways to involve those who are less vocal, which often have a valuable contribution to make that just need a little encouragement to express themselves. Just wondering what do you think Jim? may be a way to get involved.

Active listening

When you help make sure that you are listening not only to what is said but how it is said. You must also pay attention to nonverbal cues, such as the level of global energy and atmosphere in the room.

Remain neutral

Your task is to facilitate the discussion, bring out the ideas and capture them. They are not part of the group or team and you need to stay neutral. This means keeping your points of view out of the session and not take sides.

Summarize periodically

Sessions facilitated move to the beat. A lot will be under construction and is therefore useful to summarize periodically. This will help keep the group focused, on track and provide a basis upon which to build.

Facilitation is an extremely powerful approach for working with groups and teams. Use these 8 tips to make the experience a success .......

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Want to Own a Dairy Queen franchise

America, land of opportunity! How many times have you heard this line? Well, it's never been truer than today. Dairy Queen franchise opportunity to keep alive the American dream. Have you ever thought about owning a restaurant? What better restaurant to own than Dairy Queen? It has a little 'America's favorite food, and do not forget who is DQ ball players of all ages heading to Dairy Queen after each game more to celebrate.

Dairy Queen franchise opportunities are available for those who want to own a popular restaurant and exciting, which continues to grow every year since the first store opened in 1940. For the Dairy Queen franchise seriously hope offers three programs to choose from, depending on whether you want to own a single store or multiple units.

Standard Program
Do you have experience of running a restaurant or retail store? If you have the financial resources to invest in your business and want to be responsible for the day to day operation of a restaurant business, this program is for you.

Multi-unit Developer
If you are serious about owning multiple restaurants and looking to add to your portfolio, you should check with the Dairy Queen on this program. There are plenty of areas available for new and existing multi-unit development.

Investor Program
If you are serious about owning a restaurant but do not plan to be active in their daily operation, this program could be for you. You can invest in Dairy Queen name and appoint their own manager (who must have an interest in the restaurant) to be responsible for managing the store.

Dairy Queen is one of the most important support services available in the restaurant business. Every restaurant manager knows that location is critical to the success of his business. That's why Dairy Queen appoints a member of Real Estate to work with you in the review of criteria sites and shopping areas of the market. If you prefer to invest in a DQ Orange Julius Treat Center, Dairy Queen will award a lease manager to review potential sites and negotiate a lease with the mall developers. Dairy Queen is committed to helping them succeed. We will train you and your managers to prepare for success, as well as providing ongoing support to the field.

Financial requirements
A DQ Grill and Chill restaurant requires a net worth of $ 750,000 with liquidity of $ 400,000 with $ 300,000 in cash as capital available. For the less hardy investor, a DQ Orange Julius Treat Center may be more suitable for your portfolio. This requires a net worth of $ 200,000 with liquidity of $ 175,000 of which $ 125,000 is available for equity cash.

It's not too late to call on the opportunities of Dairy Queen franchise. With today's economy, you could not find a better investment or a more fun to be part of. You can be sure of one thing, you'll be glad you did.

The birth of a new community Dating

Never heard of a blog Dating Service?

Surely there are many online dating services out there these days. You can also merge a lot of those sites for free! But honestly, how many people think I've ever found true love exists?

With the frequency with which these sites are in progress, a small site of the dating service could attract up to a hundred new members every day. From what I heard, attracts 5 million visitors a day! You can imagine how many will join, knowing that it's free and promised that true love is just a little click 'away?

People want things instantly. Do not want to be told to wait. That's why we need software to do just that for us. Everything should happen in the blink of an eye. If a site can not live up to this expectation, then it is purely amateur.

Unfortunately, what happens then is that everyone from around the world began combining these free sites of dating, and soon will get millions and millions of members! And what does this mean for site owners? More money, no doubt! Even if you are free to join, you still have tons of ads that continue to cry out for a click.

And what does it mean more visitors to the States? More competition!

Let's say you join a dating service. You see this list of girls who can choose, right? What would you be collecting? The beautiful, no doubt? It is expected that you answer your e-mail and you two will find true love. Well guess what, 'everyone else is doing the same. This beautiful lady may have already received heaps and heaps of emails every day. So, unless you're Brad Pitt, how likely is it that you even read your profile?

Then comes the high school again.

So what we need, then? You guessed it. What we need is a small non-profit community of people sharing the same intention, which is to find love. And where can you find that kind of community? MySpace? No, it's too big, and although it is easy to make friends there, most of the members are not really looking for a date.

The answer is: in a blog dating service!

Blogs are still based on manual handling to deal with messages and stuff, which makes it impossible for them to get instant thousands of members every day!

Now, if you do not have much luck in the past with the free sites of dating, it's time to try something new and be part of a blog that has this kind of service! In fact, I am encouraged to open their blogs and start your dating community!

Free dating sites have proven to be a bit 'too much for us. We need a new place. Only a small community of real people with real desire to bring love into their lives.

Now, if you're just looking for love and not feel like blogging, here is a blog you can visit [] And if you own a blog, then do us all a favor and create one yourself.

Online dating should not be that hard to do.

Use Google Advanced Search Operators to Assist SEO

Have you ever wondered how search engine optimizers to find some information online on your website, such as how many other Web sites link to yours, how many web pages that have been indexed, or what the search engines to date last visited your site? Here are some of the latest SEO tools they use to determine the level and extent of work involved in an SEO campaign.

Using these advanced search operators modify the search results in some way, or even tell Google to do a totally different type of search on your website. Keep in mind that some of these operators can be used in other search engines as well as MSN and Yahoo! Note that there are no spaces between the search operator and the URL of the webpage.

1. site:
Using the site: in the search box followed by determines the number of Web pages within the entire Web site is currently recognized by Google. This feature also limits the results to a particular domain. This helps SEO experts know which web pages have already seen (and which are not yet), so you can optimize those first.

2. cache:
Using the cache: in the search box followed by shows the last time the search engine crawled a particular web page. You can enter your home address or a Web page to find out the latest version of a page spidered cached Web search engine.

3. info:
The information search query: displays a collection of data that a search engine has about that Web page as its latest data cache, web pages similar to your site, Web pages with links to your site, all Web pages' interior of the site and Web pages that contain your domain name.

4: links:
This research results from the query to find all the websites that are currently connected to your site. This helps determine the amount of link building services are needed in a program SEO for a customer. Link popularity is still considered an important factor in achieving high keyword rankings in search engines. It also helps to know which sites are linking to yours, so you can then decide if you want the link to your site.

5. related:
This research shows that Web pages are similar to a specific URL. For example, related: list all the websites that are similar to Santa Claus homepage.

6. allinurl: and inurl:
These searches display all Web pages where your search terms appear in the queried URL. For example, allinurl: circus world will return only Web sites that have the words circus and somewhere in the world URL. The advanced search operator inurl: is used only when a single term requested is necessary

7. allintext:
This research shows the results in Web pages where all search terms listed appear in the body content (visible text) portion of a Web page in SEO campaigns, using this operator advanced search helps to find other sites related to any trade of links or the sending of the link.

8. allinanchor: or inanchor:
These queries display all Web pages where the search terms listed appear in the URL. For example, allinanchor: circus world will return only Web sites that have your search terms and the world of the circus in the text of links pointing to a web page. Inanchor The advanced search operator: is used only when a single term must be indicated

9. allintitle: and intitle:
These advanced search operators display all search terms are listed in the title of web pages. For example, allintitle: circus world will return only Web sites that have the circus in the world, and keywords in the titles of web pages. The search operator intitle: only displays Web pages in which a word appears in the title of web pages.

10. define:
Although SEO experts can not use this advanced search operator often, sometimes it is useful only to learn quickly what a particular word or phrase means, instead of going to other sites of the dictionary on-line web ....

And 'offline advertising effective for E-commerce?

Acquire new customers for your e-commerce site is very important to keep in business, so you are probably considering all the different types of marketing that will bring in new business. Since you have an e-commerce site you've probably seen every possible type of online advertising, offline advertising, but has crossed your mind? May or may not, but whether they are certainly interested in knowing whether offline advertising can benefit your website and increase traffic and ultimately sales.

The answer if advertising does not work online or not depends significantly on where you advertise.

Options for offline advertising

Advertise your e-commerce site offline can really be a boost to sales if you know where to advertise. For example, if the e-commerce site selling custom t-shirts printed and have your web address printed on every t-shirt is sold then there will be lots of people walking around advertising for you! This is the best offline advertising because you do not have to pay for it or put in much effort.

Another great online marketing strategy is billboards. This might seem strange to you, but a strategically placed billboard ad can really pick some activities. For example, if the e-commerce site sells antiques then a billboard in the heart of the old country with something to the effect "did not find it here? Check Here" with your web address below definitely increase traffic and your of sale.

Advertising in newspapers, magazines, and even on television are other offline ads that are effective for your e-commerce as long as you do some research so you know your market and that you are marketing with the announcement of the line.

Advertising, online and offline, only makes sense

If you advertise your online e-commerce site then that is great, but online advertising has some advantages as well and you get to people who are not necessarily Internet savvy. However, if the advertising is pretty good so those individuals could give the network a try just to check your site. So, always consider all the advertising options, even ones that are offline, before deciding the best advertising strategy. A bit 'of online advertising mixed with a little' offline advertising will really complete the marketing plan and success for your website .......

Promotional items do not really bring in customers?

If you have already started to give away various promotional items, or are considering doing so, there's probably a question that you thought at least once: "I do not really bring merchandise into customers?" It 'a valid question to ask, of course, because you must be sure that these promotional items to give away is actually being groped for those who receive them back to you. Promotional items tend to succeed at doing just that, but you really have to know how to use these items to the best of their ability. After all, you can give away anything, but without taking the time and care products and how they are distributed, they may not be effective at all. Here are some tips on how to make these promotional items do what we intend to do to attract more customers.

First, you need to understand that quality is the key. Promotional items that are done poorly or break easily not be deemed so by the person who receives them. However, if you take some 'time to make a promotional item that will be really useful, that is the way how people who receive these items displaying your company.

Let's say you're giving bottles of water. First, you need to make them look beautiful and you must have your name or company logo clearly visible on it. In addition, all relevant contact information should be made available. On top of this, however, you must ensure that these water bottles are going to last. You could do the cheap plastic ones, but they break easily and the company name will be forgotten. However, if you make the water bottles out of unbreakable plastic that are made of many today, people are going to keep them longer, because they're going to be together. This is how your company should be considered, so that the elements that give out promotional needs to act.

Promotional items should also be useful in order to really attract customers. The point is to give away a promotional item for the person who receives them not only more favorable to have a vision of a society, but also to remember the name of your company seeing all the time. The only way someone is going to see your company name or logo on a regular basis if you regularly use your voice. There are many elements that will do, such as pens, jackets, and mugs. These need to look beautiful and they need to keep for a while ', so that the name of your company and become a regular part of a family.

So if you're still wondering whether or not promotional items really bring in customers, you should start to wonder if you are not able to make a promotional item that can do just that. These elements work, but only if they are done well and consistently put the name of a company in a person's head. Thus, the element of promotion has done its work, and will bring you more customers.

For more information on promotional items, corporate gifts and marketing promotional products why not check the market leading online suppliers where you will find a massive range of items to choose from and also get exceptionally low prices combined with highly professional fast service levels. ......

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The article writing article Parts Producers Must Know

Structure, spelling and content are just some of the important things to consider in your article writing. After all, no reader will be interested when the article is not exactly friendly reader. The writer has a responsibility to produce an article that is quite appealing to the reader. There are exceptions to this rule.

Fortunately, your article may be divided into parts. Dividing your article writing in this way has two functions. First, an article well grouped and organized is easy to read. Secondly, this also makes it easier for the author to provide further information and to develop ideas more clearly. Read on as I cover the key components of an article.


The title is the title of the article. To write an article search engine optimized, must contain the keyword in it. The title must also be attractive enough to capture the reader's attention at first sight. And 'the title that will be the face of the piece you're writing. It should include a brief idea of ​​what the article is all about. For example, "5 ways to _________" or "How to ____________."

Article Summary

Although the titles give the reader an idea of ​​what the article is about, a summary article will give a more detailed description than the title has to offer. A summary article can also be the first paragraph of this article. Ideally, short article can be written in 40-60 words. To make it more searchable, be sure to include your keywords in the first 40 words of the summary.

Declaration of Idea

Before going through the body of the article, there must be a statement prepared by giving the main ideas or points that will be discussed later.


The body is the heart of this article. It contains details and information that readers seek. This is the most important part of the piece. It 's necessary that the points are clear and well developed as the writer elaborates each. The clarity and brevity is the key.


After a thorough discussion, there is a need to reiterate the points raised in the conclusion. This will help provide a better understanding of the key messages to your readers. It reinforces the ideas given by the writer in the article body.

Dividing your article writing in these parts is much easier for the article writer. It also makes the article much more organized and complete for your readers. Following this process in writing for the web content will help place the article in the highest ranking of web pages as you incorporate your keywords in all its parts.

To your success as an article writer! ......

Writing SEO articles

Writing SEO articles is one of the best solutions in web marketing sites. Web owners often hire writers to write as 10 to 100 high quality articles to market your web pages in major search engines. The purpose is to further improve the visibility in the main search engines, which in turn increases the volume of traffic that flows inside of web sites online.

The articles are keyword rich. Keyword Density SEO is the leading solution, that the owners of many websites use to market their websites online. Keyword density is important, since Google, Yahoo and other search engines use algorithms to test keyword density in the bodies of articles. Content has proven to be one of the most effective solutions SEO writing, which is important for the owners web for the density that deserve.

SEO articles are written by various authors on-line solutions that focus on search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization is the phase in which the owners of Web work to improve their ability to classify the search engines. Using this method, which includes writing concise program instructions into a smaller number of rows, so the owners could join the ranks Web search engines online.

SEO is the leading solution marketing, so if you are behind the search engine marketing and optimization solutions go to the Internet and search marketing tools on the Internet. The tools available today allow you to promote your website effectively. Still, you will need writers, unless they have capacity to give written articles full of keywords for your web sites to promote .......

Friday, August 24, 2012

Article Marketing - The Benefits

Have you ever wondered what could be the reason behind the immense popularity of article marketing? To begin with, it is a low-cost venture. A writer can write thousands of articles and posts in presentation folders for free. After the article submission, articles will be distributed with the help of RSS. As soon as it is distributed and people start to read the content, you click on the link in the bio box. In this way, the sites increases the number of backlinks. Thus, article submission directories for include the fact that the name of the brand is distributed on the Internet. At the same time, thanks to the links in your resource box, a larger number of people visiting your site. This means more traffic and more business for you!

With the advent of online article marketing business was one of the most effective techniques for marketing your business online. This has further flourished under the Web 2.0 generation business. This generation has seen the flowering of a series of social networking sites like LinkedIn and Face Book. As a result now the article marketing has become a much more interactive process, however, the popularity of the concept of article marketing is not diminished at all. Even today it remains one of the most effective methods for optimization of search engines.

It 'sa well known fact that the mere creation of a website is not enough, you need to market it. Therefore it is essential that the site is ranked high in search engines. Through various techniques of search engine optimization ensures that a webmaster of a site is ranked high in search engine-the process of article submission is one such effective SEO technique. Through article submission and article marketing, many companies have noticed a change. The change is mostly observed in case of network traffic. The presentation of the method was effective to attract the attention of web traffic. In fact, when you send information about your business web directory fame is likely to establish themselves as an authority in business, as a result you will attract more people to your website, which will be ready to get your products and services.

The rank of the site will increase if he can get more backlinks. The author bio box in the submission directory in which the author puts a small description of the author with links to its web site can be a tool to bring a lot of backlinks to the site. And if there is an increase of backlinks, one will definitely notice a change in placement website and will definitely be for the better.

With the free distribution of articles, many small businesses have benefited. This is a good marketing strategy that has helped small organizations to get maximum exposure in this highly competitive world ....