Sunday, August 19, 2012

4 ways essential for survival on eBay!

Sure, there are some pretty big changes coming to eBay soon. But this is not the time to pine after the long days passed eBay in the past. This is the time to look ahead to the future and take advantage of a relatively unexplored and exciting. The following four tips will help you not only survive on eBay after September 25, 2008, but to make changes and adapt to them faster than the competition!

Gallery hours are free!
This is a rapid and simple that everyone benefits. Having just published a gallery next to your ad never fails to increase the number of people who click through to your ad. Now you have absolutely no excuse not to use this essential tool.

Higher taxes eBay Store
There is no way around this. If you have an eBay store that probably not too out of having to pay a higher monthly fee for it. However, there are a couple of salient advantages of this new approach. First of all, it will weed out people who are not really serious about their service, allowing more room for serious eBayers like you. Secondly, and more importantly, eBay decided to reduce the charge of another base structure, in order to compensate this change. That is to say:

Ad Rates for BIN listings will be at an All Time Low!
You may have to pay a little extra for your eBay store, but in most cases this will be more than offset by new rates much lower for the insertion BIN (Buy It Now) listings. In fact, if you have a store out, you will only have to pay 5p for Buy It Now listing. And this is a flat shipping rate of most of the categories and price ranges. This means that if you are selling a digital camera or flat screen television will still only pay the same fee added at the bottom! The higher the level of your children are your eBay store listing fees will be.

Say Good Buy to the old structure search results!
It seems that the structure of eBay Research was organized in the same way since the ancient. But because the results of research continues to appear only in order of time without end? This actually makes little sense, for this is that eBay has made a long-needed change to this system.

Those of us who are accustomed to the old system can feel a bit 'worried, but eventually the new system will be better for customers and therefore best for the sellers as well. If customers can not see the most relevant results first, rather than having to sift through pages of duplicate products and irrelevant results? Of course I think so, and it does eBay.

This is the most important change that you need to look out for this and I have left till last. Only listing hundreds or thousands of identical insertions at the same time has no plans to cut more. We must begin to ensure that ads are relevant and not just a number. The tips that you choose for your list, the attractiveness of your layout, your ratings of the seller, and many other factors are involved in the placement of ads in search results. If you want to survive on eBay after September 25, 2008 will need to keep these things in mind.

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