Sunday, August 26, 2012

The birth of a new community Dating

Never heard of a blog Dating Service?

Surely there are many online dating services out there these days. You can also merge a lot of those sites for free! But honestly, how many people think I've ever found true love exists?

With the frequency with which these sites are in progress, a small site of the dating service could attract up to a hundred new members every day. From what I heard, attracts 5 million visitors a day! You can imagine how many will join, knowing that it's free and promised that true love is just a little click 'away?

People want things instantly. Do not want to be told to wait. That's why we need software to do just that for us. Everything should happen in the blink of an eye. If a site can not live up to this expectation, then it is purely amateur.

Unfortunately, what happens then is that everyone from around the world began combining these free sites of dating, and soon will get millions and millions of members! And what does this mean for site owners? More money, no doubt! Even if you are free to join, you still have tons of ads that continue to cry out for a click.

And what does it mean more visitors to the States? More competition!

Let's say you join a dating service. You see this list of girls who can choose, right? What would you be collecting? The beautiful, no doubt? It is expected that you answer your e-mail and you two will find true love. Well guess what, 'everyone else is doing the same. This beautiful lady may have already received heaps and heaps of emails every day. So, unless you're Brad Pitt, how likely is it that you even read your profile?

Then comes the high school again.

So what we need, then? You guessed it. What we need is a small non-profit community of people sharing the same intention, which is to find love. And where can you find that kind of community? MySpace? No, it's too big, and although it is easy to make friends there, most of the members are not really looking for a date.

The answer is: in a blog dating service!

Blogs are still based on manual handling to deal with messages and stuff, which makes it impossible for them to get instant thousands of members every day!

Now, if you do not have much luck in the past with the free sites of dating, it's time to try something new and be part of a blog that has this kind of service! In fact, I am encouraged to open their blogs and start your dating community!

Free dating sites have proven to be a bit 'too much for us. We need a new place. Only a small community of real people with real desire to bring love into their lives.

Now, if you're just looking for love and not feel like blogging, here is a blog you can visit [] And if you own a blog, then do us all a favor and create one yourself.

Online dating should not be that hard to do.

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