Monday, August 20, 2012

Traffic Generation Web Site - Web site traffic generation techniques

Website traffic generation is probably the most important thing you can do for your Web site or Web Internet business. In addition to the monetization and the profit function, no matter how effective your website is converting visitors into the production of profits given a certain number of visitors, without website traffic, do not really have much of a business .

The bottom line is, without generating Web site traffic, you are basically dead in the water. All you need is traffic, you need qualified traffic, and which in practice means that the traffic must be wanting to your website. When they get there.

What are my favorite techniques of Web site traffic generation?

1. My website more web traffic generation technique is article marketing. Article marketing is the process of writing articles, including links to your website, and send them to various online directories for articles. This is my highest-revenue producing web site traffic generation technique.

2. My second favorite technique of the highest web traffic generation is that of the joint venture. Joint ventures involve joining with Internet marketers and other cross-promotion, squeeze pages, landing pages, e-mail opt-in lists, etc.. With the joint venture, you have access to other Internet marketers' best subscribers and customers. Keep in mind, they will also have access to your best customers and subscribers, so be very careful with whom to do joint ventures. However, joint ventures can be extremely beneficial to you.

3. My third favorite website traffic generation technique is that the pay per click. I can honestly say this, I'm still in the process of learning how to monetize the traffic pay per click, however. I started the initial testing and tweaking stages of learning how to monetize the traffic pay per click. What I have done is to drive large volumes of traffic using pay per click. What I have not done is effectively monetize traffic. I have to warn before you leave this article, if you choose to use or try pay per click, you must recognize that there is a mandatory testing and tweaking the beginning stage, there is no way around it, and can be very expensive - not to start using pay per click, if you do not have to spend at least $ 2000 in initial testing and tweaking phase .......

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