Sunday, August 12, 2012

Get an unstoppable flow of targeted traffic With YouTube Marketing

Targeted traffic is the key to success online. No matter if you sell a product, building a list, a promotion opportunity or MLM business, you need targeted traffic.

There are many ways to get traffic if you want to dish out money, but there are also some great ways to get free traffic, and one way is with YouTube Marketing.

YouTube Marketing Marketing is a bit 'like the article, but for most people it is easier to record and upload a short video of what to write and present a three or four hundred word article.

Article Marketing is so effective, because when you write and submit a paper to be online for years and can bring in a lot of free traffic.

YouTube videos also stay online for years, until YouTube comply with all terms, and if done well can bring in tons of free targeted traffic for years to come.

Thus, as with article marketing, more traffic you send the more you get.

For example, suppose you have a video on YouTube that is read 10 times a day and there is a link that people watching the video can click that will take them to your website.

What if one in ten people who watch the video click through to your website. 365 visitors a year would not seem like much, but its totally free traffic.

Now, what if you had 100 videos get a lot of traffic. It would be 36,500 visits per year or 100 visitors a day.

This is pretty good for free traffic.

Now, what if you had some videos that have received more than 10 views per day. Believe it or not, there are some YouTube videos that receive hundreds of thousands of times a month visas. Imagine the traffic it would bring.

To see an example of how a simple, easy to make videos could bring tons of traffic, go to YouTube and search box, type "funny vid compilation" and watch the video showing up on top. It is just that someone took several different clips from AFV and compiled into one.

This video was uploaded 3 years ago as I write this article and has been viewed over 19,000,000 times. This is an average of more than 17,000 visits a day.

And this is just a video. Just think how many can do for your business .......

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