Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Origin of human civilization

And 'more or less widely accepted that human civilization consisting of cities founded, organized governance, writing, production and trade began about five years ago in a region of land that includes the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, and the' Egypt.

The precise details of when and where specific aspects of civilization are not started yet fully known. There are many similarities between Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley - the sites of the first Earth civilization. These are some of the hottest, driest and most inhospitable places on the planet. It takes considerable agronomic and hydrological knowledge to convert the swamps and flood control to turn them into productive farmland. Civilization originated in these harsh, desert devoid of many of its resource base. Rapidly they invented mining, yachting, writing, cities, engineering and so on, and all this while most of the tribes of the world was still living as hunter-gatherers. It 'hard to explain the radical departure from the human norm by several tribes without invoking some genetic deviations insexplicable. Recent discoveries including the discovery of the sunken cities of the Gulf of Camaby India are still shedding new light on the issue. A possible scenario for the birth of civilization is as follows.

About six thousand years, a small tribal community living on the west coast of India, was inspired because of a still unexplained genetic evolution to begin construction of the foundation of cities and invent symbols to describe the first human words or language. They went out of their prehistoric existence as civilized human beings who wanted to develop ceramics, cities, and agriculture, and become literate through the development of writing. These communities have developed the first pictorial symbols to represent the names and a few human words. Staying at first a small community for the first few hundred years, these coastal populations were eventually forced to move north and west due to seismic and submergence of their coastal city of about five and a half thousand years ago. They chose only the arid plains to establish their new homes, along the largest river flowing at that time, since it is these that have been used to and familiar. Interaction with local communities already existing in their new habitat provided their workforce necessary for a rapid expansion of civilization. Forests because they fear the threat of wild animals and were completely familiar with mountain areas considering them unsuitable for agriculture and, therefore, these were avoided in the first march of human civilization. A branch of this community migrated to what is now Iraq and has developed the Sumerian civilization on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates. From there it spread throughout the Nile Valley as well.

The Indus valley people began to move towards Sumer as early as 3300 BC and established their first settlements in the ancient Sumerians. They spoke the language of their ancestors. It was a completely different language from that of the local population of the area. Ancient Sumerian language is different from other languages ​​in the area such as Hebrew, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Aramaic, which are Semitic languages, Elamite and a non-Semitic language of the tribal area with African connections. However, because the ruling class, the Sumerian colonists in the official language. The local population has continued to use the Akkadian language. The Sumerian language is an isolated language unrelated to other languages ​​of the land, many of whom belong to known groups of languages. The isolated nature of language is the proof that it belonged to a single tribe that had developed in isolation. Whenever an official language other than a local, is a clear indication that the rulers are of foreign origin. It 'amazing that the ancient historians on earth have not used this as a clue to trace the origin of the people who brought civilization in Mesopotamia. The extent of the civilized world around 3000 BC, is located in a strip that extends from the valley of the Nile to the Indus valley. From ancient Sumer is completely different from the local languages ​​around Mesopotamia, it is not hard to see where these new settlers came. Their language was different from that of the Nile Valley as well. However, since it was the Sumerians who founded the civilization in the Nile Valley as some of their vocabulary did enter Egypt and continues to be used up to now, such as the Khet word for a farm. By the time the Sumerians reached the valley of the Nile did not need to establish Sumerian as the official language of the Nile valley since they were familiar with local languages ​​of the area. As intermarriage between Sumerians and Akkadians local managers has increased, Sumerian was replaced by Akkadian as a spoken language around 2000 BC. However, he continued to be used as a sacred, ceremonial and scientific language in Mesopotamia until about 1 AD. Since the beginning of the second millennium, Babylonians and Assyrians maintained and used the Sumerian language died out in much the same way the ancient greek and Latin are used for artistic purposes, and religious scholars today.
Although the Sumerian language is not a language Indo-Aryan that uses the primary system for the development of words. This was later adapted by Indo-Aryans in the development of Sanskrit in the Indus Valley. The use of the Sumerian language was first started in the southern and northern Mesopotamia spread indicates the direction from which the Indus people arrive in Mesopotamia, probably through the sea route. Ancient scribes have given the equivalence between the Sumerian and Akkadian words, and these can be used to advantage by historians struggling to decipher the Indus script. So far they have been looking elsewhere, trying to establish the equivalence with the Dravidian or Indo-European languages ​​and it failed. The Indus language was replaced by Indo-Aryan Indus Valley, as in much of the old world with the arrival of Aryans. Some of the words of the Indo-Sumerian, however, continue to persist in local dialects so far.

Egyptian civilization began with an ancient historical event. The Sumerians Nirmer Menes with his son and an army of 5000 guards in Akkadian conquest of the Nile Valley around 3200 BC. They followed the trail north along the Euphrates, which has reached the valley of the Nile through Syria. On the outskirts of the Nile valley have subjugated the local populations of African origin and further expanded their army, eventually conquering the Egyptian valley without much of a fight. A prehistoric flint knife with a handle carved from the tooth of a hippopotamus, in possession of the Louvre, and found at Gebel el Arak near Nag Hamadi depicts a scene from conquest. On one side of the neck is a battle scene including some remarkable representations of ancient vessels. Many of the warriors are naked except a lap belt, but as a group of fighters have their heads shaved or short hair, others have abundant locks falling into a dense mass on the shoulder. The naked warriors are obviously of African descent locally. It shows the wisdom of the conquerors in using the premises for their campaigns. On the other side of the handle is carved with a hunting scene. In the upper field is a remarkable group, consisting of a character taken with two lions arranged symmetrically. The rest of the composition is very different from other examples of prehistoric Egyptian carving in low relief, but here attitude, figure, and clothing are non-Egyptian. The hero wears a turban on abundant hair and a beard down his chest full and round. A long wearing clothes from the waist and falls below his knees, muscular calves ending in the claws of a raptor. There is no doubt that the heroic character is represented in the familiar pose of the hero Gilgamesh struggling with the Babylonian lions, a favorite of the early Sumerian and Babylonian seals. His head is Sumerian, rather than Egyptian. The same design is unmistakably of Mesopotamian origin. There was no physical barrier to the use of river-route from Mesopotamia and Syria of the tracks from there south along the land bridge to the Nile delta.

After the conquest Nirmer (The Scorpion King), he returned to Babylon, leaving his son Menes to head the new kingdom. Menes unifies communities scattered throughout the Valley of the Nile. There he founded the first Egyptian dynasty with a Sumerian civilization. The unitary state has led to the development of writing, the start of construction on a large scale and venture out from the Nile Valley to trade. The most remarkable evidence of cultural connection is shown the architecture of the ancient tombs of Egypt and Mesopotamia Dynastic seal impressions show exactly similar buildings. One problem that soon Sumerian ruling class faced upon arrival in Egypt were the different religious beliefs, even to the contrary. Egyptians glorified while the Sumerian flood is feared because of their religious records of the flood that had inundated their original homeland and beautiful city on the west coast of India leading to their exodus. However, the Sumerians soon assimilated all that they have found useful in the new land and then developed their own culture even more. Unlike the settlers of the eighteenth century the Sumerians arrived in each new territory with the intention to make it their home and the progression stronger as they marched westward. However, the Nile valley was the limit of their expansion because their were no other major rivers crossing vast arid plains west of the Nile. Nimes established the first Egyptian dynasty. The second Egyptian dynasty that ruled the symbol of the dog rather than a bird that seems to have emerged on Egyptian soil itself.

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