Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Five secrets to find great paid online survey sites

Finding a great directory of paid survey sites is not an easy job, there are a lot of rotten eggs with legitimate sites, and is very hard to tell the good guys, here are some valuable tips to help you find those golden geese lay .

(1) Take a look at the pay site directory inquiry - HTML is done using the cheap, have a lot of spelling errors, claims or exaggerated hype? If the site appears to have been put up in a hurry, it might be a scam - stay away from it.

(2) Look at the reviews of the site directory. You can do this by Googling the name of the directory in quotes and the word that revision "Cash Surveys Only" Review. The course will look out for good reviews. You can also visit paid survey site's forum, blogs and sites like and, to make doubly sure there is no mention of paid survey directory in a negative light in there.

(3) Another ideal control to find a legitimate paid survey site is to send them an email asking a general question about paid surveys that requires a human response. Wait for an answer and see if you are satisfied with it, if it is then that site is a good list to subscribe.

(4) The choice of a good paid survey site directory will save you a lot of research, so you should do your research on sites paid survey directory sites of investigation, rather than individual.

(5) The ultimate goal is to find a paid site survey directory that lists only those surveys in cash, as this is where the real money is in completing paid surveys.

There are all paid survey sites on the Internet and the best way to find good sites is to find a good reliable directory that takes you by the hand, supports you, gives you a good (huge) list of paid survey sites and not afraid to answer any questions you have. Save yourself the search by following the link below. . .......

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