Monday, August 13, 2012

Internet Domain Names - The more things change, the more they stay the Same

A few days before submitting this article I read something interesting on "Problems Will Divide the Internet domain" of Jay Forder, a law professor at Bond University in Australia. He discussed the various problems encountered by ICANN, which tries to bring out new generic top level domains and agrees to let other nations use their own scripts for domain names. The companies are said to fear that the more generic top-level domains will simply increase the problem of cybersquatting, and some of the various interests that have been accepted by their generic Top Level Domains ICANN is said to think about starting their own Internet.

The most interesting thing about this article, however, is the date: December 28, 2000. That's right! Same problems almost ten years ago. That was the year ICANN has given provisional Ok in China with its own script. E 'was also the year has allowed ICANN-Dot Biz, Dot-Name, Dot-Aero, et al.

Then as now there were those who thought the sky was falling. The trademark owners worried that they would have challenged that many domain names with more cybersquatter cybersquatters and feared that the extension would form a glut of excess on the market.

Fast forward! In the near future, ICANN is expected to add hundreds of domain name extensions to the mix. The script of China have already signed up on the web with the script of almost every nation. Going to a better 2000, the countries are now able to also form extensions of the domain names in their national script. Some expect chaos to reign, a little 'fear of the Internet as a shattered vase fell. Who knows, maybe the Chicken-Littles reason this time. And then, maybe not ......

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