Thursday, August 23, 2012

Using negative keywords to increase the Pay Per Click Profitability

Unless you're doing exact matches for all of your keyword phrases, then you definitely need to explore the negative keywords.

What is a negative keyword?

Quite simply, it is a keyword that you want your ad to show for.

For example, if you're offering software, then you would be willing to pay to put words like crack, warez and hacks in your list of negative keywords. People who are looking for software illegally violated is unlikely to want to pay for it.

Google Adwords does its best to show your ad as many times as possible. And 'interest of Google to do so and assumes that their computer if they do a lot of money on advertising, you're going to do a lot of money as well.

The trouble is that if you are not using negative keywords, your ad will show for searches where people are not likely to click on their ad. This will reduce the click through rates, which in turn will affect the price of your ads.

Almost all of the keywords will have some negative keywords that should be attached to them.

But you may need to do some detective work to find them.

Take the time to do some research on major keywords. See what comes up in search results. You may be surprised what comes up.

For example, if you have a printer then you will need to take action to stop your ad is shown when someone searches for a printer to an inkjet or laser. The time spent looking for negative keywords will more than pay for itself in the course of his campaign .......

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