Saturday, August 25, 2012

The article writing article Parts Producers Must Know

Structure, spelling and content are just some of the important things to consider in your article writing. After all, no reader will be interested when the article is not exactly friendly reader. The writer has a responsibility to produce an article that is quite appealing to the reader. There are exceptions to this rule.

Fortunately, your article may be divided into parts. Dividing your article writing in this way has two functions. First, an article well grouped and organized is easy to read. Secondly, this also makes it easier for the author to provide further information and to develop ideas more clearly. Read on as I cover the key components of an article.


The title is the title of the article. To write an article search engine optimized, must contain the keyword in it. The title must also be attractive enough to capture the reader's attention at first sight. And 'the title that will be the face of the piece you're writing. It should include a brief idea of ​​what the article is all about. For example, "5 ways to _________" or "How to ____________."

Article Summary

Although the titles give the reader an idea of ​​what the article is about, a summary article will give a more detailed description than the title has to offer. A summary article can also be the first paragraph of this article. Ideally, short article can be written in 40-60 words. To make it more searchable, be sure to include your keywords in the first 40 words of the summary.

Declaration of Idea

Before going through the body of the article, there must be a statement prepared by giving the main ideas or points that will be discussed later.


The body is the heart of this article. It contains details and information that readers seek. This is the most important part of the piece. It 's necessary that the points are clear and well developed as the writer elaborates each. The clarity and brevity is the key.


After a thorough discussion, there is a need to reiterate the points raised in the conclusion. This will help provide a better understanding of the key messages to your readers. It reinforces the ideas given by the writer in the article body.

Dividing your article writing in these parts is much easier for the article writer. It also makes the article much more organized and complete for your readers. Following this process in writing for the web content will help place the article in the highest ranking of web pages as you incorporate your keywords in all its parts.

To your success as an article writer! ......

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