Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chinese Culture

China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, therefore, is extremely complex and ancient culture. China has a huge population and is home to most of the people of the earth. This makes him an important member of the global community. Chinese Culture covers a wealth of information that is difficult to summarize for the readers, their language, arts, and other cultural aspects from very far in the past. China is a place of tradition, even in today's modern world.

The Chinese language is the oldest written language in the world. Over one billion people speak a form of Chinese is a tonal language of which there are many dialects. Some dialects are Mandarin, the most commonly spoken, Wu, Min, and Cantonese. Since most of these dialects are not easily understood in an interchangeable way, Chinese is regarded as a macro language with thirteen sub-lingual. The standard of spoken Chinese is based on a standard Mandarin dialect of Beijing, Mandarin is the official language of the Republic of China.

Most of the social values ​​of Chinese people derive from philosophical and spiritual principles, such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Confucianism was at the time of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC), who was a teacher of ethics and morality. One of the fundamental teachings of Confucius was that education is the key to a society that values ​​the individual and the benefits from the government running morally rather than coercively. These beliefs and teachings helped to shape the culture of China forever.

Chinese religion has evolved from a system of worship which he praised the God of going back to the Shang-Xia and Shang dynasties. Later, the concept of paradise has been added by the Zhou Dynasty, the spiritual world is an integral part of Chinese religion. Divination, or predict the future, and folklore are also a large part of Chinese religious tradition and culture. Many stories focused on particular deities, the most popular of which is Buddha, who became holidays to the Chinese people. Chinese religion encompasses centuries and centuries of cultural, historical and religious.

Performing arts are also an important part of Chinese culture. Music written was found that dates back to 500 BC. The music has been well documented in the time of the Tang Dynasty. Many different types of art have been made and made in China. Porcelain pottery dates back to Paleolithic times; painting became very popular during the Ming Dynasty. Paper cutting was a traditional art of the Han dynasty, if not for China, the paper would never have been invented! Among other things, China is also known for martial arts and many types originated in China, including Kung Fu or Wushu, as it was originally called. The famous Shaolin monks make their home in China.

The Chinese people have a wealth of cultural history to draw from. The civilization dates back to the point that throughout its history, culture, art and aspects of society can not be fully explored in any blog. China is a country of destiny, tradition, and a huge cultural significance ......

1 comment:

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