Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Shop for a Web design firm?

While few companies can boast as we do that our first ten clients are still with us today, many companies often change Web design firms to gain a new perspective on how their Web presence could look and perform. The following paragraphs serve as a buying guide to use when shopping for a new Web design company.

First, determine what you are buying. Your Web site down a lot? You do not often have problems e-mail? This may or may not be a problem, the designer of web sites. Many design firms outsource hosting of websites, and if this is the case, you may only need a new web host. While most companies prefer to work with a company web site design that is also home to their website, because there are big savings to be achieved in this type of environment, this is not always so and it is a matter that must be asked .

In addition, the company you're considering does not perform all their services in-house or are outsourcing development to India? This has become more of a common practice because of the extremely low labor costs, but if your site is changing frequently, this can present a lot of problems in the delayed response, delayed messages, and other issues associated with working with a time difference.

Also, what kind of customers the company has design have? Do not have an online portfolio that you can view to see examples of their work? The best way to assess the capabilities of a Web site of the development company is to look at their previous work. This will show what they can do and who worked in the past. If the company has a lot of experience in a particular industry, valuable information can bring to the relationship.

Also, how long they have been in business? While the Internet is only 10-12 years, companies have been around the better part of a decade because they generally have done a good job. Make sure you're not watching some 'fly-by-night company that just popped up on the list of sponsors of Google.

Finally, avoid those offering the Web site for $ 500. If your company is interested in a professional website (as opposed to something made by his nephew), you must be prepared to spend several thousand dollars. There are a lot of graphic design and advanced programming work involved and it takes time to do it. You've got to establish a realistic budget if you want to have success online.

Most legitimate Web site design and hosting companies can do a great job for you, but determining what is the best match for your organization depends on you. Use the ideas outlined here to help narrow the search and then choose the one you feel most comfortable .......

1 comment:

  1. Checking the customer background, time-span and the service offerings by a web design firm is mandatory for getting your site to be designed in a professional manner. Many Philadelphia Design Firms also provides professional website design in a realistic budget.
