Sunday, August 26, 2012

Use Google Advanced Search Operators to Assist SEO

Have you ever wondered how search engine optimizers to find some information online on your website, such as how many other Web sites link to yours, how many web pages that have been indexed, or what the search engines to date last visited your site? Here are some of the latest SEO tools they use to determine the level and extent of work involved in an SEO campaign.

Using these advanced search operators modify the search results in some way, or even tell Google to do a totally different type of search on your website. Keep in mind that some of these operators can be used in other search engines as well as MSN and Yahoo! Note that there are no spaces between the search operator and the URL of the webpage.

1. site:
Using the site: in the search box followed by determines the number of Web pages within the entire Web site is currently recognized by Google. This feature also limits the results to a particular domain. This helps SEO experts know which web pages have already seen (and which are not yet), so you can optimize those first.

2. cache:
Using the cache: in the search box followed by shows the last time the search engine crawled a particular web page. You can enter your home address or a Web page to find out the latest version of a page spidered cached Web search engine.

3. info:
The information search query: displays a collection of data that a search engine has about that Web page as its latest data cache, web pages similar to your site, Web pages with links to your site, all Web pages' interior of the site and Web pages that contain your domain name.

4: links:
This research results from the query to find all the websites that are currently connected to your site. This helps determine the amount of link building services are needed in a program SEO for a customer. Link popularity is still considered an important factor in achieving high keyword rankings in search engines. It also helps to know which sites are linking to yours, so you can then decide if you want the link to your site.

5. related:
This research shows that Web pages are similar to a specific URL. For example, related: list all the websites that are similar to Santa Claus homepage.

6. allinurl: and inurl:
These searches display all Web pages where your search terms appear in the queried URL. For example, allinurl: circus world will return only Web sites that have the words circus and somewhere in the world URL. The advanced search operator inurl: is used only when a single term requested is necessary

7. allintext:
This research shows the results in Web pages where all search terms listed appear in the body content (visible text) portion of a Web page in SEO campaigns, using this operator advanced search helps to find other sites related to any trade of links or the sending of the link.

8. allinanchor: or inanchor:
These queries display all Web pages where the search terms listed appear in the URL. For example, allinanchor: circus world will return only Web sites that have your search terms and the world of the circus in the text of links pointing to a web page. Inanchor The advanced search operator: is used only when a single term must be indicated

9. allintitle: and intitle:
These advanced search operators display all search terms are listed in the title of web pages. For example, allintitle: circus world will return only Web sites that have the circus in the world, and keywords in the titles of web pages. The search operator intitle: only displays Web pages in which a word appears in the title of web pages.

10. define:
Although SEO experts can not use this advanced search operator often, sometimes it is useful only to learn quickly what a particular word or phrase means, instead of going to other sites of the dictionary on-line web ....

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