Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ebook Creation - The # 1 Secret I used to sell my first ebook

Have you heard the expression, "Look before you leap". Let me give you a new expression that will make a lot of money in the ebook market, if you follow him. "Look before you write." Read this article to find out why I mean by this expression.

How would you feel if you spent 40 hours writing an ebook, and then no one bought a single copy? It 's likely that you feel like shit. Yet many people start writing an ebook, willy-nilly and never stop and wonder if people will buy what they are writing.

This is why you should look before you write.

What I mean is that you need to see what people are interested in what they are talking about? What are they writing in the forum? What questions are asked? Doing a little research before writing your ebook, and not have to worry if people will buy your book - you know!

All you have to do to write an ebook that you can sell over and over again is to meet a market need. If you feel a need with your book, people will buy it.

So where should you look to find what people want? Here are some ideas.

1. Look at the top-seller. If people are buying books on a topic, they will buy ebooks on the same topic. And your ebook will have several advantages over a traditional book. Your readers will have his book easier, faster, and probably cheaper.

2. See questions on the forum. I have already touched on this a bit ', but reading the forum is a great way to find out what people are saying and asking. Answer their questions right, and you have a hot-selling ebook.

3. See more ebooks. You can not copy someone else's work, but nobody said he could not get some ideas from it. Look at the other ebooks that are the best-selling book and write your own ebook on this topic .......

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