Saturday, August 11, 2012

E-commerce - 6 of the Internet The most successful business models

The business model is the key step before launching a commercial project. The business model is a study just before the business plan. The business plan outlines the project, describing its potential and investment needs, while the business model we define a global strategy without going into further detail: what principle you can take to make money?

The Internet is still recent, business models are still proving themselves. Here there are still those that seem most promising.

1 - Merchant

And 'the business plan easier to understand. It is actually an adaptation of the store to the online world. You sell products or services through your site. The sales can be done with a fixed price or prices dynamic, for example in the form of rods. Different variations are: virtual merchant offering traditional products or specific adaptation of an offer to buy online, opening an online store to complete a chain of shops (FNAC). Note: Some vendors are placed on line and make the sale in direct violation of its distribution network. It 'a policy that has some obvious risks.

2 - Members

You want to create a network of resellers to entrust the task of promoting your products and your brand, which in return will give you a commission. Any logistics, such as billing, collection or transportation, shall be at your expense. The variants which may be mentioned are: the exchange of visibility, pay to click. The biggest site built on this principle is Amazon.

3 - Billing to use

This model is based on the principle of accessibility to resources. The customer pays for every minute that he uses the service or for each document available.

4 - Advertising

The best-known model and the first that comes to mind when talking about the profitability of a site. The basic idea is to generate as much traffic to a site in order to sell advertising space. The site brings together traditional media like radio and television. This model is very difficult to implement, the main problem is to provide visitors with information and services, constantly renewed, that are attracting more and more people. The increased traffic will increase the technical resources and therefore a higher rate.

5 - Community

The site aims to build a community of people sharing the same interests. The viability of the concept is based on the loyalty of users, rather than their number. The returns are achieved by the provision of community members. These contributions can take many forms: monetary or otherwise (to provide the knowledge, equipment donations, exchange of knowledge).

6 - Marketplace

The market is the place to exchange with buyers and sellers. The purpose of the site is to connect the two groups according to their specific needs, remuneration in the form of commission, fixed or variable. Some examples of possibilities: auctions (eBay), classified ads (the seller pays the publication), reverse auctions (the buyer makes an offer that the seller is free to refuse), offers research (a robot travels the internet looking the best offer), virtual mall (several shops are on the same site and each seller pays its "location" in exchange for services managed by the site.

If your business model is not on this list, think about it several times and check your idea with other people before you start. Better be safe than sorry!

To your success! ......

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