Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mousenomics for humans

Humans have a lot to be learned by us mice. For example, the mice immediately know the difference between a mouse and a rat. Humans take a long time to recognize rats. Just look how many times the rats themselves elected to Congress.

My name is Ludwig Von Meeses. This is Von meeces School of Mousetrian Mousenomics, not to be confused with von Mises of the Austrian School of Economics. I am here today to help you people get a better understanding of your economy Mousenomics studying.

Mice are born with built-in understanding mousenomics. Unfortunately, human beings are not born with any inherent understanding of their economy.

Mice understand that if there are two pieces of cheese on the counter of the same size and shape, it is best to choose the cheddar on the Swiss. Cheddar is always a solid block of Swiss cheese, while it is provided with holes where there is no cheese. We also understand that there are mice in cheese that put large holes in Swiss cheese and sell it and at the same price that producers sell honest Swiss cheese with holes smaller and less. Mice We know a rat when he sees one.

The man on the other hand, do not seem to have a clue. I studied as a human being for some time. His name is Bob Cannon. He graduated from college in 1969 and went to work for another human being who has compensated in cash rather than cheese. Money, like the cheese is a generic term for a store of value. Just as we have different types of cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss and Muenster, humans have several stores of value such as dollars, gold and silver. Bob could have had $ 8400 per year or 240 ounces of gold (at $ 35 per ounce). Not understanding mousenomics, the dummy took his pay in dollars, you might as well have taken the Swiss cheese.

Not long after Cannon began working, a big rat in Washington, DC said the government would not back with dollars more valuable metals like silver and gold. If you were a mouse, you would automatically understand that this mouse was placing larger holes in Swiss cheese. For humans it is called inflation.

Cannon worked hard all his life and thought he was doing OK. My studies show that mice are convinced that human beings are doing OK putting increasingly large holes in Swiss cheese.

Let me explain. Cannon bought a house shortly after the theft has changed the money. It was a house that cost him $ 25 000. He could have paid 706 ounces of gold (35.4 per ounce). Today, that 706 oz Gold would buy a house $ 670,000 (at $ 955 per ounce).

He could not hope to buy a house at that price today.

Looking at it another way, humans invest in the stock market, as represented by the Dow Jones Average. Back when the rat made the changes in Washington, the Dow was at 890 and gold was at $ 35.4 per ounce Today, the DOW is around 9300 and the gold is about $ 955 per ounce If the Dow had risen such as gold, the market would be over 24,000, not 9300, but no ... Cannon invested in the DOW.

Even taking his salary of 8,400 dollars a year in 1969 or 240 ounces of gold. If he were still doing the same 240 oz For years, his salary would be $ 229,200 dollars and this poor man thinks you click OK.

The moral of this story is that if you have rats in the government, you better start thinking about how many holes are putting in your cheese ....

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