Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Guidelines for Web Design with SEO Advantage

Designing a site easy to use is very important. This could be achieved by integrating good browsing web pages. You should easily find the link to the sites and over so that he / she may pass through the inside pages of the site. All pages linked to menu items should be exactly the corresponding menu title. Home page must be attached to each page so that users can access the home page easily and where, how you can link all the pages from each other, provide the appropriate links within the pages and the title referring to the information.

To begin with the browser - Check your design in different browsers and fix all the problems of incompatibility. Set the screen resolution most commonly used, and whether displaying the site is fine. Make the appropriate changes if necessary. Try using Web safe colors. Integrate plug-in in the pages carefully. Try using plug-ins that are compatible with all browsers. Avoid the use of plug-ins which are updated frequently.

In order to make your site search engine friendly pages interconnection is very important. Ensure that each page of your site is interconnected with other pages. Put text links with appropriate keywords for your site. If you are putting image links do not forget to edit the keywords of the text. Put the appropriate keywords and Meta description. Avoid the use of JavaScript and Flash as they are bad for the usability of search engines. After all the visitors are the most important resource for your site and you want as many visitors as possible. These are some basic guidelines to follow before you get started with your design .......

1 comment:

  1. SEO for web design for seo is very important to promote our web design in online to get more visitors ,traffic,and ranking position in website. Seo Course Bangalore
