Thursday, August 30, 2012

PowerPoint Tip - Importing a PowerPoint presentation into Flash

How do you bring a PowerPoint presentation in Adobe Flash? You can not do it directly, but you can save files in WMF format and import them into Flash.

This method does not preserve any animation or transitions. However, it is possible, of course, add Flash animations.

Here's how:

1. In PowerPoint, choose File> Save As. (In PowerPoint 2007, click the Office button> Save As.)

2. In the Save as type dropdown, select Windows Metafile (*. WMF) and click Save.

Note: WMF is a vector format, which means that the images are defined by the equations rather than points. WMF images can be resized without losing their resolution. Flash uses vector graphics.

3. A message appears asking if you want to export every slide or just the current slide. Click on each slide.

4. A message appears indicating the folder where you saved the slides. PowerPoint creates a subdirectory in the current presentation.

5. Open the Flash movie and click the first keyframe where you want to start.

6. Choose File> Import> Import to Stage. Find the file in the folder and click the first. Will name slide1.wmf, slide2.wmf, and so on. Click Open.

7. Flash asks if you want to import the entire sequence, click Yes.

8. Flash imports each slide of consecutive frames and makes every frame a keyframe. Save the file. Since you are importing a vector format, you can edit all objects and text in Flash!

9. To use the Flash movie, you will need to make some changes. Remember that Flash defaults to 12 frames per second and does not want the slides to go that fast! You can change the frame rate to create the equivalent of a timed PowerPoint presentation. For example, to display each frame for 4 seconds, set the frame rate to .25 fps. To do this, double click on the box in the low fps timeline to open the Document Properties dialog box.

10. However, a most common technique is to add a button on each frame for connection to the next frame. You can also add buttons to link to the previous frame and the first frame, thereby providing a navigation system for the user. The instructions for doing so are beyond the scope of this tutorial and vary depending on your version of Flash you are using .......

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