Sunday, August 19, 2012

Article Marketing - 3 Definitions of Marketing You Need to Know When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing is a very powerful strategy. It works. You just have to work on it.

Training and education of hundreds of writers and marketers article article, I discovered that having the right mindset makes a huge difference. So to help you develop and maintain this mindset, here are three definitions that apply to marketing article marketing.

3 Key Definitions

Definition No. 1 - Marketing is just letting others know what to do, what services you provide, etc. You can write a great article, but if nobody knows what to do? Marketing is not about being a used car salesman slick. It is simply to let others know what you do.

Definition No. 2 - Marketing is simply applied psychology. Alex Mandossian, one of my mentors, often said, and it is true. Marketing and is using the principles of human nature and psychology, which allows others to know what is done in a way that makes them want to get involved and learn more. You want them to know more from you, is not it?

Definition No. 3 - Marketing with articles is your article in front of as many people as possible in as many forms of consumption. Article directories help you get your articles in front of many people. It's up to us to find different ways the player can enjoy our article - such as a short report, ebook or audio CD.

What I'd like to see you do now is to use these three definitions to ramp up your article marketing .......

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