Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why Hosting Low cost should not have a name Bad

Admit it, you are as hesitant as everyone else when it comes to a hosting service that presents itself as very pocket-friendly. For you, it is impossible for a great hosting service for a low price. You believe that when a particular product or service is cheap, someone out there is going to make jokes about you. Well, this is what you get from reading the reviews written in favor of large hosting companies that can set aside money for advertising. She was a victim of brainwashing.

The truth is that you are missing a lot of great things when you choose to believe in misinformation. While you are working hard just to pay for web hosting good yet expensive, someone out there is experiencing the same type of service for a lower price. Sometimes, hosting companies are not more expensive because they offer a better service. Some of them tend to overcharge their customers in order to recover money spent to endorse the "cheap is low quality" slogans. Refuse to be a victim of this propaganda trick. Here are the facts of web hosting that will help you understand that there is good in cheap.

Retailers are the culprits

If you stumbled on a cheap hosting service that offers a wide range of functions, do not let your skepticism get in the way. Instead of letting the golden opportunity to slip so easily, why not run a survey on this particular host that you are getting?

You see, some hosts are only cheap because they can afford to lower their prices. They are ready to compete and it is their way of attracting customers. Meanwhile, some hosts can not do it because they are involved in the reselling process. The dealers are those who buy products directly from producers so they can get discounts for bulk orders and sell the same products at a price more expensive. Now, in the web hosting, resellers act as resellers. Buy web space, usually in large quantities to resell portions of this web space to interested parties. The presence of an intermediary in the buying process increases the market price of the product or service.

So if you came across a cheap hosting plan, does not necessarily mean you are going to taste real good service. One can only deal with a dealer.

There are no guarantees

Cheaper web host offer a money back guarantee or a period of 30 days free trial for those who are interested in using their services. It is a wise move to seize these opportunities to learn more about a prospective web host. If you were unsatisfied with the service, you can always say "No" and move to the next. In the event that a web host successfully swayed to sign-up but can not keep up with its promises, you can still cancel your account anytime you want. There is very little loss on your part because you only saved a few dollars and that's all. When you subscribe to an expensive but unreliable web host, you know you have to sacrifice a lot .......

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