Thursday, August 23, 2012

Do not Get Bamboozled by the article distribution service!

Do a quick search on "service, article submission" or "distribution service article" and you will find lots of choices. You made a good call to decide to go with an automated service. Just make sure it has the characteristics and the technology necessary. The last thing we want is surprises.

How big is their distribution list?

Many article submission services promise "retail", and many of them can generate. How do you know if yours is not? Check their list of publishers before buying. Make sure you tell all the places your article may be distributed. Keep in mind, not all publishers accept all kinds of articles. Yet, it is healthy and that the list includes sites such as and other sites of great article.

Where was your article is submitted?

Once the article distribution service sends your piece, make sure you can quickly get a report was sent. This is the key, guys. Some companies claim to do a ton of submission to article sites, which is fine, provided they can prove it. Request a distribution ratio, if they can not give you, go elsewhere.

What is the cost per item?

Most experts agree that to really put out of the park with article marketing, you must send a strong, steady stream of new content for the world. So when you sign on an article submission service, be sure to check their policy on the cost per item.

Many places charge a fee for each item distributed. Search for an article distribution service that offers unlimited items for a price: in this way you can sell to your heart's content and not worry about the cost.

Does It Tie In social networks?

Social marketing has become mandatory these days for anyone who wants to expose themselves to new markets. Your article distribution service offers an easy way to connect to your own personal social networks?

Each time You distribute an article through your article submission service, make sure it gets to your Twitter, Linked In profile, etc. Look for an article submission site forward thinking that makes this a one-click affair. And 'the evolution of content distribution, and if you're the article distribution service is not doing, they are woefully behind the times.

To recap, make sure that the article of any Submission service you choose offers a list transparent publishers, article distribution relationships; unlimited article submissions, and easy tie-in to the social sphere. Oh, and do not pay more than $ 40/month .......

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