Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Conflict, Leadership, and The Leadership Talk

Conflict comes with leadership as the sparks fly upward. If you do not want to deal with conflict, leadership is not your thing.

Being a leader is not about IF you are aiming to conflict, but HOW. In fact, no other skill (in addition to being able to obtain results), so forms career of people such as the ability to address the conflict.

Conflict and leadership go hand in hand because leadership often involves challenging people to do what you do not want to do. If people did what they wanted, the leaders would not be necessary. Great results do not fall like manna from heaven. Their implementation involves people who have to step outside their comfort zones, take uncomfortable decisions, and engage in new actions baffling. Leadership helps to guide and motivate people to do those things.

There are countless books, articles, etc. dedicated to conflict resolution. But let me give you a tool that I have taught the leaders of all ranks and functions worldwide for over 22 years. And 'Leadership Talk.

As the discussion leader is results-oriented and deals with fundamental human dynamics, can be a way unparalleled to help you deal with the inevitable conflicts you'll face.

(The many books and many other articles I wrote on the topic Leadership can be seen on my site.)

Here are the three essential elements that must follow in dealing with conflict and how the conversation Leadership can help you manifest the essential ones.

1. Establish a deep, human, emotional connection with people you're dealing with. In case of conflict, keep in mind that the message is not only the message, the message is the messenger. How to deal with the conflict and the WHO has in dealing with conflict is important, if not more, than what is the conflict. Abraham Lincoln explained the importance of how and by whom: "If you want to win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend ... Suppose to dictate to his judgment, or to command his action, or to mark the as a being shunned and despised, and he will retreat within himself, close all roads to the head and his heart, and tho 'your cause be naked truth ... you're not able to reach him to penetrate the hard shell of a turtle with a rye straw. "

The Leadership Talk helps you to manage not only the WHAT of the conflict, but also the how. This is a clear practical path to win the hearts of the people who are in conflict with, simply because its guiding principle is essential to Lincoln to convince the other side of your good will and sincerity.

2. Be guided by and through the power process. It 's important for your career to have a simple, clear process for conflict resolution to guide your thoughts, words and actions. One can not follow exactly in every case, but it can help you better manage the enormous variety of conflicts that are to face.

The Leadership Talk is a powerful process of conflict resolution because it involves the human aspects of practical and structured ways. For example, one of its processes called the Three-trigger Motivational Process. When you face conflict, you should ask three questions. If you say "no" for the answer to any of these questions, you can not make a speech Leadership. The questions are: 1. You know what the audience needs? 2. Can you bring deep belief to what you're saying? 3. You can get the audience to act?

3. Stay focused on results. Since leaders do nothing more important to obtain results, the fruits of our way of dealing with conflict should be assessed if we are hindering or promoting the results.

In leadership, not enough to resolve conflicts, we must also in the process of getting increases in results. Forget trying to create "win / win." This can be a trap game. In fact, in many cases, a win / win objective might hinder the results to keep people going to the next step, results-generating step.

The Talk Leadership sees the conflicts we are engaged not only in terms of conflict resolution, but the generation of results. In addition, its purpose is not only to achieve common results, but more results, faster results on an ongoing basis.

Since the conflict will always be with you as a leader, you should welcome it as an opportunity to get increases in results. When using Leadership Talks, you'll always get those results.

2006 The Filson Leadership Group, Inc..

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