Friday, August 10, 2012

Octavio Paz and his analysis of the labyrinth of Mexican Society

The Labyrinth of Solitude concentrates diversity of being a Mexican in a society that he does not want to integrate. Peace attempts to transcribe the origins of the alienation of a people who question the principle itself. Paz's work can not be limited to a simple critique of Mexican society, is a solution of the problem of loneliness that is consuming the Mexican as part of a nation, his work on the analysis of past and present to propose the Mesoamerican solution of the future. Mexican society must mature to be able to leave their state of isolation communicating with yourself and others, Mexico must accept himself to take charge of their destiny. For Paz Mexican history has served as the theme of loneliness, is even a sort of Mexican illness. The fall of the Aztec empire, the conquest, the colony's independence, the revolution, have contributed to a continuous mutation that prevents the Mexican nation out of its adolescence. The Mexican masks used to hide their lack of identity immerse you in a deep isolation. The Mexican is hidden in the fiesta, in celebration and even violence.

The behavior of the Mexican is a great code that serves to hide a nature that not even the know. The masks, which according to Paz have a historical-mythical origin psychoanalytic conception is related to the Mexican, have a function that is based on the distortion of reality.

The strong fervor evident that the Mexican people to the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe embodies the struggle for the preservation of true Mexican tradition. Through devotion to a virgin of his own race, the Mexicans recovered worship Tonantzin. The Virgin of Guadalupe test pre-Columbian heritage preservation, which was contaminated by the treachery of Malinche. "The virgin brunette?, Personification of the mother who provides, coexists with the image of Malinche, responsible for both the lack of Mexican identity and their hybridization that lead to loneliness. The father archetype has different patterns in their positive and negative paradigm focused on Hernán Cortés. The ideal positive father figure inconsistent Aztec people, who generally serves as identification of their sense of failure. The fragility of a paternal archetype of the Mexican people, contributes to their sense of helplessness, loneliness. The gloom of his father makes an orphan positive, the negative mock his father to pay him a bastard. According to Paz, both archetypes condemn him to loneliness: loneliness is identified with the orphans. According to Octavio Paz, the Mexican need to put distance between himself and others, is a being who must be away from the world and all that this entails.

Because when it comes to others, risk their loss of identity, as happened when they met Malinche with Cortés. The encounter with other peoples, leading to weakness. Bibliography CASTAÑON Adolf? The Gospel and Mexican literature?, In Symposium: Present and future of Mexican literature. Memory, and Dante Medina Julio Ortega (ed.). University of Guadalajara, National Lottery, Guadalajara, 1993. Garc? A BARRAGE? N Maria Guadalupe, "Principles of national and cultural identity in the origins of Mexican colonial literature?, In Latin American cultural identity in literature, Saul Yurkievich (ed.). Alhambra, Madrid, 1986. Margo Glantz, La Malinche their parents and their children, Taurus History, Mexico, 2002. Gnisci Armando, Letterature Comparato, Mondadori, Milano, 2002. Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude, Chair, Madrid, 1993.

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