Sunday, August 5, 2012

The motto of the narcissistic love: My needs are more important than yours, you like, or not!

Is a constant in the query, the number of people who are hurt because their partners put aside their needs. It appears that this claim is rooted mainly in those bonds of love, in what the couple relationship is established with a person with strong narcissistic traits.

My needs are more important than yours, like it or not!

It is a statement that clearly reflects how the links down loving narcissistic type. Living with a person who puts his whole being first is a painful experience, but also the behavior, of being the unique and special in world, must be recognized as the most admirable act. The couple, must be followed in this regard, otherwise, be subject to criticism and indifference. But the couple who yield to it, does not know is that even though admire and encourage, such a situation, however, will be tried and sentenced.

But how can we recognize these beings "wonderful" they are so special and so close to Mount Olympus?

Have you ever felt attracted or drawn to any person who maintains an exaggerated self-centeredness, it is so, then you are against the presence of a narcissist. Self-centeredness is defined as the attitude in which the person shows an exaggerated worship itself and what it believes belongs to him. It needs to be admired to confirm it is the best in the universe, the only authentic piece its kind. Furthermore, it shows a tendency to seduction in all aspects of their relationship: is attentive, always the exact word, in short, their social skills are highly developed. Of course, depends on others for admiration. And to top it off, your links are fueled emotional coldness of a control is, right in the motto:

My needs are more important than yours, like it or not!

His inability affective denotes a lack of empathy compared to the other, but above all, for establishing a close relationship to them, there is only criticism, contempt and indifference.

They have a series of maneuvers and manipulations obviously unconscious in order to get what they need: social admiration and respect. Tireless seeker of social status, only by that step are considered important. Couples generally seek full of life, social contact, which can give them a platform where they can excel, but only they, and nobody else.

If we put a term that would establish a parallel and a metaphor, narcissistic behaviors are comparable to those of "emotional predators." This means they consume energy and emotions of their partners, and then, once you have squeezed the in all respects, leave, because they can not offer anything, what they require. In conditions like that, a couple can not answer, because it is confused, helpless and devastated

The emotional predator, always shows a pattern of indifference to the catastrophe of your partner, nothing altered, nothing moves, it is important to safety it and nothing else ...

That is, emotionally speaking live at the expense of others who apparently have the skills and capabilities that they lack one of them is the joy of living. By becoming emotional predators, until they spring from their partners last drop of joy and love of life, it seems they do not feel at ease. envy everything that others enjoy, enjoy, and build.

When the slogan: My needs are more important than yours, like it or not! not fully satisfied, flies into a rage and outbursts of anger, even by the most insignificant and inconsequential. A good dose of crisis and trials are struck against the couple, who have not fully comprehend or understand, he or she, that her needs are of the highest order. It is as if he had committed a cardinal sin, and then the deity, decide the punishment of a relentlessly ...

But look a little more closely these behaviors, we understand that deep down, there is only a distorted image of himself, which is that the need for aggrandizement, compared to a vacuum that does not represent anything inside. Their experiences always lack internal solid references that can really sustain a mature personality.

For how much need for admiration?

The terror of not being up to par, of not meeting expectations, put in a level of demand for others, but especially the couple, who have to cover their lack of affection. On the other hand, when this happens, turn to cynicism and sarcasm as a way to silence the outsiders who disagree with them, like himself, and avoid touching the pain of a vacuum.

Obviously, in regard to the relationship as a couple, all this happens in silence, without the presence of others, veiled and in intimacy with full force. The couple is bewildered, confused, and apparently paralyzed. It is to be stuck in a double bind: if you have to admire my partner, my partner but you also have to reject.

Her charms are not left waiting, her seduction becomes elusive, but his silence, abandonment and lack of sensitivity to the needs of the couple charged outrageous dimensions. Also, that you can not have what I have not. Because yes have it, I will fight for you run out. So much operating in a love relationship with narcissist.

So that:

If you feel that your partner does not listen and is not sensitive to what happens to you?

Yes every time you ask for something, there are always factors that disqualify you or criticize, or just yours is not important?

Yes every time you want to talk about the relationship becomes elusive or maintained an ominous silence?

Yes the only way to stand out in your projects, it causes great anger, resentment and attacks of mediocrity?

If your feelings are confusion, paralysis, lack of understanding, anxiety and depression usually experience ...

If so, surely, you are entangled with a partner with strong narcissistic traits. The most important thing is to review your forms and modes of relationship, and you wonder over and over again:

Does this couple makes me feel important?

¿I can build a project with my partner healthy life?

Is the relationship with my partner takes me to suffering or growth?

Will my partner's needs are always above mine?

Only you can answer these questions. Only you can know what kind of relationship you are building your bond of love ...

Every relationship has problems and conflicts to solve, but narcissistic love leaves wounds and suffering that is important to recognize. It is important to detect, how is your pain and suffering. And also, how is your benefit and satisfaction with a pair of this nature ...

Today there are plenty of resources to heal relationships with a partner, get help, learn about the subject, but mostly work on your person, your weaknesses and what belongs to you ... The other never going to change for you ...

My mission is the emotional quality of life ...

And finally we get the new e-book on narcissistic love

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