Saturday, August 11, 2012

Traffic to your blog within 24 hours

Struggling to get traffic to your blog? Well you are not alone, how to get visitors to your blog is the number one thing that people want to achieve - and with good reason, most people who visit your blog the more likely you are to make a sale or have someone to join the mailing list (or any other reason you are blogging).

Here is the step step plan that I do to make sure I get traffic within 24 hours.

1. Write articles for your blog and submit them to article directories like EzineArticles and GoArticles. EzineArticles requires more than 24 hours for your item to be approved, but you'll get more quality traffic from them so you should still send your article to them. GoArticles is much faster (and will get you listed within 24 hours), but probably will not get the same amount of traffic. I recommend the presentation to both. You can post your articles in both directories, but for better ranking and more backlinks I recommend having two different articles to each directory.

2. Add to your favorite site on social networks like Digg and StumbleUpon. I seem to get more traffic from StumbleUpon Digg from me, but it's still worth bookmarking as many sites as you can. You can also get an account with places like that will allow you to submit your site to many social networks at once and save a lot of time.

3. Commenting on blogs of other people is another method that has proved extremely effective for me. Find other blogs that are on the same theme of your blog and write a comment useful, of course, leave your blog url as well. I get the best results when I comment on something specific to that place, like, 'that's really interesting how you can do x and y results, I'll try' with my name and blog address.

There are many other effective methods such as submitting your RSS feeds to various feed services, exchange links and even video marketing, but these first three methods are easy and quick to do and I have always got a lot of free traffic fast. ......

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