Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A bad ruler

A bad ruler turned out to be the president of the Spanish, Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero, who has shown us so far. But it is a business and political opportunism: it leaves behind all that prevents him move forward. It could have been a good governor, but it was not.

Zapatero's experience, and when he chaired the European Union (01/01/2010), proved to be a frustration for himself and for the Spanish, we expected to see him rub shoulders and learn from the politicians of the day: ANGELES Merkel, Sarkozy Gordon Brown, Berlusconi, Van Rompuy, and so on. His new smile, this time not avail against a hardened politicians and the 'art of governing'.

Europe went unnoticed, making a big mistake: his personal friendship and support for dictators who were and are ruling at the present time: Cuba, Iran, Venezuela ... latent examples of what I say. Since Europe's political leaders knew that "the good of Zapatero 'was a bad ruler. Spanish also knew Spanish ... So we knew that without any doubt, in politics you can not make 'miracles' and even less in economy ...

A bad ruler proved to be the president of the Spanish, Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero, who has shown us so far. But it is a business and political opportunism: it leaves behind all that prevents him move forward. Leave behind all the burden of economic decisions at the wrong (never wanted to hear the former minister, Mr Solbes, who left the forum by exit), when all the Spanish-most-we already in deep water. Although moving forward, in my humble opinion, is going nowhere, in this case.

"Leave behind all the burden of economic decisions at the wrong time, when all Spanish-most-we already had in smoke"

Keep throwing out ballast political progressive ideas and unfulfilled promises, with some illusion possibly lost, presumably waiting for certain political favors CiU (Catalan nationalist party). Lately, authorized the Autonomous Community of Catalonia to borrow above the set at the 'Law of stability presupuestaria'Ley presupueestaria stability'. The response was immediate: "We all want more," expressed in unison the Spanish autonomous communities (ACs).

One wonders where they are going out so much money (euros) sufficient for these new debts. As always has been and will always be: from the pockets of the Spanish, who already have nearly empty. It is the 'fruit of political time' in which we live. Because we're all forgetting that Spanish "Law of Historical Memory ', both proclaimed from the rooftops the good Zapatero, our current president of the Spanish.

A bad mood with which we had fun, because we will not mourn, those who live is this 'Piel de Toro' called Spain (we were told earlier that the world was within reach of the Spanish), is mainly due to we feel cheated, lied, deceived by our leaders, but also misled us earlier PP-its members-is wrong and lied in the last term in the case of the tanker Prestige. It began its collapse on November 13, 2002, and soon, echoed the statements of Mr. Rajoy (21/11/2002): "(...) not going to pour a liter more. " "It is by no means an oil slick, it is only localized spots," he formulated the November 23, 2003. Mistakes and lying still during the serious events-attacks-Atocha Station in Madrid (11-M), when former President, Mr Aznar, with the political arrogance that distinguished him, he hastens to say that "the authorship of the corresponded to earlier events Basque terrorist group. " So many mistakes suggests that allegedly lied on any of them, and we all know that lies make 'Toccata and Fugue of Death' for political parties that employ them.

"Political parties should be financed with their own contributions-those of affiliates, but we all know that when they fail, they make use of the money of citizens"

Both major parties, PSOE and PP-have and had the occasion in his hands, to change our proportional electoral system (France was eliminated in the year 1958) by the majority system: it allows to maintain a direct relationship between Members and their voters, counting the first with some independence from their respective political parties.

Political parties, which have the powers, primarily the executive branch in their hands, should be financed with their own contributions-those of affiliates, but we all know that when they fail, they make use of the money of citizens : raising taxes, both direct and indirect, and thus, everything is fixed (in U.S. political parties are self-financed by the contributions of its affiliates to).

Therefore, if we are to emerge stronger from the economic situation in which we find ourselves, we must start from a premise 'sine qua non' (a condition without which not): the reform of the Spanish electoral law, to move from a proportional system to a majority system: simple as that.

Our system currently employed proportion of votes allowed and still allows you create nationalist political parties in the different autonomous communities that make up our Spanish geography. These exist in Galicia, Navarre, Aragon, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Valencia ... who can develop at any time 'parties hinge', and that, sooner or later, draw their political and economic returns of the Executive of the moment: and is very difficult to govern and can not govern, and we are so badly governed: here and now.

These small parties (BNG, CiU, PNV ...) that in turn make common cause in the implementation of their own languages, which are: Galician, Catalan and Basque, are promoting a kind of 'Aliens' or' foreigners' in their own autonomy, which make its inhabitants look to Spain as an enemy nation, nothing further. They have to understand, and truth, which, with its languages, and once you cross the Pyrenees, no one will know the past, and if the English and Spanish, this is a reality as a temple.

"The maximum time a president-chief executive in office, should be limited to two terms"

Now, however, will come to the fore old nationalist extremists who can not recognize them as fully rational, in that it proposes the recognition only of the members of their ethnic group. "On the edge of a cliff, / says a black, eager: / God, who was white, / even if Catalan" (Verses and songs of the Ecuadorian people, which preserves the memory of old conquerors, and at the same time , a strong regional rivalry). The latter is happening in Spain, unfortunately, and the PSOE and the PP were fixed, then for that charge high salaries of the Spanish State, will have 'great retreat', in addition to the expenses, and, therefore, is its obligation to 'organize' a little Spain, I say ... not too much to ask.

Understand a little know-in their political and economic-that alone, the maximum time a president-chief executive in office, should be limited to two terms. That is, eight years: what is already very well ...! If a person, male or female, remains in power longer, often created around him a number of vested interests, potential political and economic corruption, cronyism interested in making easy money, vote buying, etc., Etc. . We are human, and as such we behave. I've always said and I will always say: "The political ideas of a man are his works."

La Coruna (Spain), April 23 Cabrero is a writer 2011Mariano

Photo (CC): Chesi - Fotos CC

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