Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Health Do you save?

A pharmaceutical industry representative said that the Administration measures to save 1,500 million in health care costs will result in the loss of 500 jobs. Such arguments leave me cold. Or rather disturbs me that take precedence over group interests to the benefit of society as a whole. It's like snuff planters complain about smoking prevention standards or manufacturers of weapons by the ban on free sale to individuals.

What is important in the field of health, is to combat health care waste that further encourages the corruption, the physician in prescribing certain drugs, or the chaos of many recipes that even resold on the black market. Just like that.

In any case, what can I say, the decisions to save our health care system seem prudish and even ridiculous. What would stop resolving the kits home where we store all medications, many of them expired. Reduce them to only half would save far more than these meager 1,500 million. And of course, we would avoid many problems caused by self-medication, with the new health care costs they generate.

And we have believed that the welfare of this country is an unlimited mana, which justifies any pain you have a CT or MRI, any ailment justifies use an ambulance and any request for drugs deserves fill a prescription. If this continues, will soon not 100% of our GDP to meet health care costs. That, not counting the thousands of foreigners, many of them lining the kidney, which come to our country only to be operated and be cared for like royalty with expensive treatments.

For all that, I think our politicians are cowards, to raise the cuts. If some form of payment, even symbolic, for each medical act, we would see how soon the long lines disappear in the consultations and the real sick could be treated much better.

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