Saturday, August 4, 2012


In human life, only a few dreams come true, the vast majority snore. (Jardiel Poncela).

All we somehow an identification of why we are, what our role in this world where we live, what should our appearance, because they appear for a certain time and then disappear, what all this.

He wrote that the twentieth century is characterized by the development of science and technology. And even in regard to the XXI. There is no denying that man has devoted his efforts on it and achieve mastery over the forces of nature.

However, the man has increased his fears, his insecurities and dissatisfactions. It has been shown that the evolution in the material does not satisfy the deep soul-spiritual needs of human beings.

At the same time, man has increased his certainty of the existence of spiritual facts, that the reality is that what is perceived through the senses.

So from a man's inner yearning arises Anthroposophy = Wisdom of man, founded by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925), which has created a theory of knowledge about man, life, extended novad

The truth is written, that anthroposophy aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of man and the world, ancient and attractive aspiration of so many times and people. A little note that this basic principle that guides the author Rudolf Steiner easily explains the variety of topics and discipline of his work. It also explains the high degree of germ of it.

Rudolf Steiner states that Anthroposophy is a path that would lead to understanding the spiritual in man to the spiritual in the universe. " helps us to understand, saying that anthroposophy is the wisdom of man or that man can saber.Es a science that refers to both the world of sensory phenomena as the invisible reality behind these fenómenos.Investiga these realities of the human soul by its instrument of man is the object investigación.El and research tools at the same tiempo.La Anthroposophy is a method and not a doctrine of revelation, nor a religión.La Anthroposophy indicates the path of self-education to awaken the powers spiritual perception, latent in every human soul.

The causes of the physical world are in this invisible reality or reality espiritual.La reality as a whole covers a number of fields of existence with their respective inhabitants. Human existence is deployed in some of these fields, specifically in the physical world, the vital world, the astral and spiritual worlds are actual worlds dicho.Estos under investigation antroposófica.La Anthroposophy describes the various spiritual hierarchies, its evolution and their activities because they intervene in the evolutionary process of man.

The highest spiritual intervention in human and planetary world has been that of Christ. His appearance on earth is the center and the center of evolution, cosmic and human individual.A both from its own sources Anthroposophy reveals essential aspects of the mystery of the life of Jesus Christ in Nazaret.Señala that the action of Christ on Earth was not limited to three years in Palestine and accompany the Christ comes, as nonphysical but nevertheless concrete and determined, the different steps of the present and future of humanity.

We add that to your body, man participates in physical-sensory reality, with the soul in the soul world and its spirit in the world espiritual.Por thus extending the perspective beyond the physical life to a prenatal existence and postmortem, in a succession of earthly lives repetidas.El destiny is revealed as something that man chooses to correct the faults committed and pave the way for its gradual improvement in the vision of human destiny futuro.La, therefore, is not activa.La passive but man's existence has an origin, an orientation and a goal defined, thus has an answer Anthroposophy sentido.La to the most profound questions of the human soul: Who am I? Where did I come? Where do I go?

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