Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bay, then ride

Because football is known that unleashes passions. But you understand that refers to professional football. Because amateur sport is a hobby, a hobby, a fun event to enjoy sports and public. Enriching activity-promoting 'fair play' (another of the values ​​of sport, by the way).

Not so. Unfortunately there are people (many, in my opinion), which completely lost the papers when they see their children, grandchildren, nieces, etc., play a game of football. They are a minority, yes, but very noisy and unpleasant.

Watch in amazement as, week after week, they occur as shameful and pathetic performances by those "responsible parents". Those who should set an example to the children about behavior and ethical values.

It all starts well.

A Saturday morning either a sports pavilion where they will hold the football matches between teams and pre-Benjamins Benjamins. We're talking about kids under 9 years.

Everything seems to be fantastic. We will see our children having fun. I say well, fun. Because that is supposed to aim at sporting events. To practice their favorite sport and feel like kings in a competition in which their parents and relatives are going to animate. And that is, in principle, the spirit of such events.

But soon he begins to twist.

Start the game. The referee on duty (which, incidentally, is a volunteer who makes it possible to hold the party) gives the starting whistle of the encounter. And there begins also the transformation of these "responsible adults and educators."

Because authentic witness scenes that produce cringe: Parents insulting the referee or coach rival (another volunteer that allows children to play football) coaches who treat children with an unusual despotism (like professionals) people in the audience shouting insults at opposing players (remember they are children under 9 years), fighting (verbal and physical) between parents for party affairs, and so on.

The list of such events is very long, and no need to delve into the miseries of these people who think they are watching a professional game. Or they think they have a crack home of football.

Worrying attitudes

The motivations or why there is this kind of behavior by adults is something that deserves a sociological study, but personally did not understand.

¿Personal frustrations?, ¿Desire for notoriety?, ¿Rude?, Does a misinterpretation of the meaning of sport?. These are questions that one is trying to give an explanation.

Because these things are transmitted to children and, therefore, we are instilling these values ​​and behaviors as something to follow. And it is not.

Our society has come a long way. And not to be particularly smart to know the minimum standards of education and behavior. Maybe you just have to know how to apply common sense, but sometimes common sense is not the common sense.

© José Ramón Fernández Baizán

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