Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Colombian Football: How Is The First C

He finished the semifinal round of the FIRST C one gives the most important categories in the Colombian football wide coverage throughout nacional.La final will be contested by teams of Coogranada Bajo Cauca Caucasia (Antioquia), Warriors of Cartagena, Sabanalarga (the municipality of the same name, neighbor to Barranquilla) and Maicao union, representing the department of La Guajira. The surprise of the tournament was not the classification of these teams, which were sufficient merit to achieve, but the elimination of Real Maicao, one of the strongest paintings throughout the tournament.

The unexpected removal of the FIRST Real Maicao C, after his brilliant campaign in the opening round of the tournament and in the first round of the semifinal is necessary to think about the causes of this adverse outcome. It is obvious that this is not a coincidence nor a single factor but a summation of facts from which present the most relevant

1. The interruption of the championship at the time the team played better. The competition was suspended for 56 days to facilitate the development of National Youth Championships. The bracket was not absolutely necessary but Difútbol took this determination and forced teams to halt its formal powers in a span of almost two months. For Real was terrible because, while they played friendly matches, lost the continuity of work and titular.2 group cohesion. On the draw against Magangué. The classification was lost in this game that the painting "Crusader" began sweeping but then gave up a tie and, incidentally, two points, which would have been enough not only to achieve a place in the final but to win the group. That game of August 24 was the key to a campaign to have better results.3. Ceded by four points in the stadium Hernando Urrea Acosta. The Real Maicao not only drew against Union Magangué but to Maicao, square fellow. Losing four points in local condition mortally wounded leaves any team when tournaments are played short as indeed it was the semi-final homer C.

It is naive to regret the bad results, but the seven points gained from joining these four, the story today would distinta.4. Because they do not get any points outside the square. Besides being a weak local Real could not scratch a single point out of town. In Magangué was thrashed 3-0 (marker inconceivable for a team that held the lead) and Caucasia lost 2-1. He won the first derby against Maicao Union played when typical visitor but that game was played, it must be remembered, in the stadium Hernando Urrea Acosta. In short: Real did not get a single point Maicao playing outside. Maicao The Union, however, "fished" the point at Magangué and that the end point would be a huge booty, so he removed the bolivarenses and which added to his other rivales.5 front. On the drop in the second round. As the curtain falls on the first lap Real added seven points and was a strong leader. Coogranada lower Cauca was six, two and Union Magangué Maicao only one. Real In the second round and missed two games drew one. His harvest could not be more daunting: a nine-point disputados.6.

For the classic expulsions. The day I faced the first classic Real Maicao lost ten of their starters. Ten players read it! Three were ejected in that game, five joined two yellow and two others were injured. The next game should play to Magangué with alternates and that partly explains why the win from 3 to 0.7. Because of its over-reliance on two very important matches. In the first game was entrusted to Magangué when he started winning the game. That trust allowed the "resurrection" of visitors who tied the game and thus helped to which Real lost two valuable points. In the closing match against the same thing happened Maicao Union. In the first few minutes are devolved and allowed two early goals and then it was difficult to trace the score but came close.

Despite its removal leaves a Real Maicao excellent image among fans, managers and fans of the Atlantic Coast. His coach Leonardo Melendez proved to be an expert on the category and promoted young talents who will soon give the talk of Colombian football. In addition, part of the tournament the names of talented players such as forwards Carlos Mario Diaz and Pedro Guerra, the goalkeeper and midfielder Enny Helder Polo Peralta. The campaign, even if classification was remarkable. Congratulations to y. .. Maicao real until next year.

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