Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Renewable Energy: Photovoltaic Solar Park Largest Spain

Galicia will host the largest short solar farm in Spain, which will be installed by Solar Solidarity Galician cooperative in the region Terra de Lemos Lugo. The park occupies over 100 hectares, will require an investment of 174.8 million euros, have a capacity of 23 MW and will produce 44 MW / h per year, equivalent to the consumption of 135,000 households.

The largest photovoltaic plant in Spain, to be built in Galicia-funded by 430 cooperatives in the region of Monforte-will prevent the emission of 16,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide and produce, according to his promoter, the Solar Solidarity union, 19.5 million annual benefit. According to the newspaper La Voz de Galicia, the park "will run in full within 38 months?.

The benefits derived from the sale of electricity to the grid will be invested in rehabilitation, as home for the elderly and day care center, the manor of Maside, in the township of Panton and construction of new units for assistance.

In the presentation of the project, which took place yesterday in presence of Vice President of the Xunta, Anxo Quintana, and the Regional Minister of Innovation and Industry, Fernando Blanco, the company spokesman, Jose Manuel Gonzalez Illan, said that it is "a project Galician capital Galician hundred percent that reverses its investments, also one hundred percent in Galicia?.

En route to energy independence

The presentation of the project has, according to La Voz de Galicia, that the vice president of the Xunta, Anxo Quintana, has insisted that "today we are able to set a target of over 60 megawatts of installed solar photovoltaic by 2012 "(in 2005 only had 1.2 installed throughout the region).

Quintana also has said that Galicia may exceed "a lot? the objectives of the European Union: EU set a goal that 12% of final energy consumption from renewable sources by 2010 but, according to Quintana, the Galician Community could cover 95% of its non-polluting systems using very soon.

Vice President of the Xunta also claims that Galicia aspires to be at the forefront of Europe in renewable energy, purpose for which the regional government will make "an effort? biomass and solar thermal and photovoltaic. In relation to biomass stressed that the community "is ready? get to be 60 megawatts installed in 2012, well above the initial forecast pointing to 20 megawatts.

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