Sunday, August 5, 2012

Consulting with Gabriel

Consulting with Gabriel These past days I have been thinking about how far should the disclosure, comment, or simply referring to the events we have had the great privilege of experiencing, through personal contact with its often ignored, stars . My own personal experience, despite having taken special care to warn about the need for anyone interested in knowing certain facts, then driven by his personal desire to do so, which do not bound by the insistence of the author or for the mere satisfaction of curiosity to see what you've written this crazy, or to submit their statements to the sieve of their particular "common sense?. I remember myself, before being permitted to enter the portal, I should be educated, prepared, and warned by those who had assumed the responsibility to assess my level of understanding of the rules. Getting the opportunity to enter the privacy of third parties, requires a high degree of development of empathy, or the faculty which enables us to put ourselves in their place, as if we were them. I keep in my memory some of the advice received before entering the portal: "If you want to participate, you are welcome, but remember the conditions that the letters will get you, watch and listen, do not use, nor your ears, your eyes, use the mind and heart.

The letter then said: Do not rijas by time, do not just by space or by distance, do not let conventional reason to intervene, be sure to enter the prejudice. If you're willing to do this, then answer the knocks on your site, and I will be pleased to formalize this invitation I have for you. ? Since I had given my very particular impulsivity, and had shared much of my writing with people of my most intimate environment in which I have the utmost confidence, and I am very sincere in saying that the main reason I led display, there has been none other than the questions about the quality of writing them, and if the content could be understood by the reader. Logically, one thing is the evaluation of the continent, ie how to relate an article, and another, far more sensitive, is to assess its content, that is, the statements made by the author in the reference article. I hope understand what I am trying to say, the recourse to others to solicit their opinion, even if it was with the intention that I have mentioned, has become inevitable, the content of the joints, causing the readers of the same, certain reactions, reactions that could have been avoided if I could stop that particular impulsivity, which unfortunately have.

This has been the reason, that serious consideration to seek advice. I thought each of my new friends, comrades in many games, with whom he was growing a great relationship, but the question I asked myself was: Which of them would be the best suited to guide me on this? The answer I got was a single heart: You should talk to Gabriel. Sitting across from me was Gabriel, he responded almost immediately to my request to talk to him and ask for an opinion. We were silent for a while, until very gently slid a question, Well, what you think I can be helpful?. After hearing my story, without any interruption, take a deep breath, smiled and looked at me with affection, let out of his mouth the words, see, see what I can tell? ... um, okay, listen my friend. Sometimes people, especially those that are closest relatives, are not able to separate the author, his emotional environment, how much closer the relationship, the greater the concern about what they think might be thinking or feeling at say what you are saying.

If we add to this, who have shared sound principles of religion, which, to some extent, are held primarily on the strict observance of the doctrinally established, the fact that we see transiting hitherto unknown ways they can cause a feeling of instability. As if the issues addressed were forced to cover unforeseen paths, paths that are not in their road maps, which therefore considered unnecessary and therefore dangerous to navigate. Understandably so, my friend, and I fear that that is a price we have to pay. What you and I, together with many others, are doing, as we have warned you, is to break certain patterns of collective behavior. We are emerging from the particular organization, group, to share with the universal, what has happened and still happens in the future of all creatures called children of God, with total disregard of their membership, either : race, creed, nationality, continent, worlds, whether born or not, are in the world of the living or have passed, the so-called world of the dead.

So what I think we should do is find meeting points, there are principles, universal laws, which are the common heritage of all minds, and are those who have prevailed over martyrdom, persecution, crucifixion, bonfires, and all kinds of xenophobia. The scriptures, come to us first as information so that we know the facts that have been registered, contain teachings of tremendous importance to all men and women who are interested in knowing the word of God, but writes have a determinant fundamental reading is not enough, the very savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, has clearly pointed out, we must search, it is worth to say, you have to know how to separate the chaff from the wheat, to know the translations, there are many other and many, no, they are embedded, to be found by going to the source, that is, without doubt, what it means to search them. "If any of you lack wisdom, ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and will be given. ? 1: 5 For example, I'll read you one of those principles, is inserted in the Articles of Faith, one of the Christian religions, who profess to believe that man is entitled to receive personal revelation from God, even in these considered, the last days.

The articles in question reads: "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they want. ? Faith No. 11 This is a universal statement, which enhances and preserves a basic and essential principle considered: The exercise of Free Will. Here is another teaching that relates to fundamental principles, Gabriel uses the Old Testament, the Book of Proverbs says: "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. If they say, Come with us, let us lie in wait to shed blood, stalking the innocent without cause; swallow them up alive as Sheol, And whole, like falling into an abyss, shall find riches of all kinds, fill our houses with spoil Made thy lot among us, let us all have a bag, My son, walk not thou in the way with them. Refrain thy foot from their path: For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird But they put their own blood lying in wait, and tend to their souls loop.

Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy of gain, Which takes the life of their owners. Wisdom cries out in the streets, raises his voice in the streets; crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates of the city says their reasons. How long, O simple, you will love the simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Proverbs 1: 10 to 22 What happens is that we have not thought about what it means to speak of human evolution, we are a time on earth, and then we left, that does not mean that things were done, what has happened already, our life continues after death, and the new world where we go, we continue to live in society. It is there that we understand the scope of the various religions, because in this life we ​​think when we die we go to pick up the angels friends, who from that time we will be safe until the final Judgement. But humanity remains, cultures persist, persist our likes and dislikes, our strengths and weaknesses persist and, of course, our desire for peace and justice, also persist.

Let me re-read, hear these words: "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life will rise with us in the resurrection in this life and if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence than another, through his diligence and obedience , to that degree will take the lead in the world to come. ? Doctrine and Covenants 130: 18-19 These are sound principles, not to a particular group of people, is one of the richest heritage that belongs to all mankind. When we have the opportunity we have, to break the barriers between both worlds - Keila recalls the experience of the Witch of Endor - the perception that you get to have continuity of life changes dramatically. And this perception is not limited only to the act of establishing a contact with a mysterious "beyond? generally conceptualized as something that moves surrounded by a mist of darkness, home of ghosts and banshees. It's about discovering a new dimension that interacts with the world of so-called "live? in a very close degree of proximity, knowledge in its "new state? dissipate the prejudices and check that each of the departed are still the same person, their strengths and weaknesses, their aspirations intact to achieve the objectives of its existence.

That's why we have invited these people and surely invite many more, because they have the right to tell their experiences and tell us what are your expectations for the future, for the simple reason that they exist because they are there because they continue to interact with others because both the premortal life, as mortal, and that continues after death, are designed to live in society with those belonging to their own species. Pay attention to these words of Jesus addressed to the Jews in the Portico of Solomon: "Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father Which of these do you stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not but for blasphemy, because you, being man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came (and scripture can not be broken), ¿to whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, you say, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said I am God's Son?

10: 32 - 36 Read this scripture, Gabriel was silent for a moment, then stared at me as if to penetrate my mind, and said, I think, my friend, it's time to return, the climate created by his speech, I greatly comforted and felt it was time to end our meeting. I was alone in the room, closed my eyes and let the sleep to come over me.

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