Sunday, August 5, 2012

What is Psychotherapy?

Repetition What is the only animal that can be encountered twice with the same stone? Usually the man answered, but this is relatively true, because how many times can a human face in the same stone? All. Luis complains that his current partner does not respect him. Treats him with contempt, devalues ​​everything he says, devalues ​​their efforts and concerns likely to be unfaithful. She tells him that his ideas are and that he is "crazy?, But he knows not, what does he know what has come," if she is not going to change?. When we talked a little more comes in the fact that until now had not noticed: his previous partners were similar in this regard. At first they are very friendly, seem to want it, but then ... Why choose Louis to women who did not value and, often, come to humiliate him? Not to deny or underestimate the genetic or constitutional factors in personality and responses to life and the reality of each person. But no one can seriously discuss the evidence that constitutional factors are enhanced by content or characteristics of the subject's personality, determined in turn by its unique experience in the encounter with reality, with his family and social environment.

If the medication seems to show its effectiveness in reducing symptoms and control of certain factors involving neuro-endocrine pathology psychic psychotherapy demonstrates with his own performance (which we see every day in our experience) that can be cured, and long term, based on the power of words. The way we position ourselves to life, and the difficulties she confronts us, is rooted in childhood. Then, when the world was new and when the family was our only experience, we adopted a way of being and a way to respond to certain stimuli. These early experiences have been burned into our minds and our bodies, although we have forgotten. One might think to remember is a waste of time, but the therapist is there to ensure that effort and the sacrifice they have a sense that such work (psychotherapy is always a work for both therapist and patient) has a purpose and direction: the cure. Why remember? Elena was a long time depressed, anxious, irritable. Much was devalued and continuous self-directed blame. He had a troubled relationship with his parents, especially his mother.

It was extremely sensitive to criticism or suggestions that might make, knowing that it said "for your sake?, And reacted passionately to verbal violence. Then he blamed for his reaction and loaded with reproach: it should respect them and love them more, they were always good, "did everything for her? and she always caused concerns and problems, is a bad daughter and ungrateful. Sometimes, something tells me or I say something that brings to mind a childhood memory. Parents were extremely rigorous discipline, often punished. He was the father who imposed the punishment, but it was the mother who decided that he should be punished, and she had to wait until the arrival of the father to learn his punishment. Physical punishment was not too painful, but recalls with horror the screams of the father and, indeed, the anxious wait for the punishment decided and applied. While his friends were playing she had to help around the house, and mother everything she did seemed wrong, she complained, called "clumsy? ... Every time you finish counting a child I remember looking at me reproachfully, why remember things that happened long ago?, I am already an adult, what are these old complaints?, What is it?

When out of session calls her mother and repeated the criticisms of those who have spoken. They end up arguing. I tell him to stop, remember it is part of the therapeutic work we are doing, should not act immediately, but take time for reflection. Then things begin to be qualified. Not everything can be blamed on the parents, as she has brothers and have the same personality or react the same. After a few months not only has changed their relationship with parents, but also with his partner and co-workers, and has regained a friend who had moved away. Elena seemed to have forgotten his childhood, which simply said that he had been a childhood "normal? (No children so, nor any person, we have all lived our own experiences and people are different, unique and unrepeatable). But that was updated forgotten past in the present, in relation to others and herself. Bring back memories, often painful, is like opening a wound that continues to fester badly scarred, drain pus, and close it again. Can I change? When a person goes to a psychotherapist because they do not feel good about themselves or others, and because it unnecessarily suffer inevitable (in life there is suffering that can not be avoided).

So do not just remember, it is necessary rework to stop repeating. We can not change the past, but the idea that we've done it and, more importantly, our present and our future, our standing with our own life (which is what gives us that extra suffering) and our reality. It is a matter of changing everything that can be changed (which is usually much more than the expectation of patients), and accept what can not be changed. But acceptance is not passive resignation, is to better manage what you can not change, cope better with it and, above all, do not suffer for it. In short, be with yourself. Unfortunately this experience requires another, and not any other, but a professional who has investigated itself (through personal psychotherapy) enough to not make your patient in the field of their personal beliefs or their own desires. The worst thing you can do a psychotherapist is to try to shape the patient according to their own hopes and desires, not his. But there's more: if psychotherapy does not trust to solve their own problems (and we all have problems, the difference is not between healthy and sick, but between people who have the courage to try to be happier and, for that, looking assistance, and those who prefer to be considered normal and continue to suffer because his cowardice prevents them address their problems and try to solve them), how can you suggest it as a supposed solution to the problems of another person? i.

But not enough that a psychotherapist has psicoterapeudizado or psychoanalyzed, it must also actively listen to what the other says, and that has clinical and theoretical knowledge on which stand, who has sufficient experience to avoid being overly impressed by the uniqueness of their patients and know enough not to try to reduce them to a statistic and be able to recognize the subjective individuality of each person who consults him, never reduced to a statistic or a diagnostic category. The person who comes to consult a human subject, if we could not hear their individuality and try to impose our own certainties, it would be preferable if we put our minds to another activity. It is a minor detail our experience that, like other psychotherapists, show that the therapy releases physical and mental energy that, until then, was wasted on the symptoms. With the removal of these, that energy is released for life. Summarizing The word psychotherapy can designate many different treatments and techniques, from psychoanalysis to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy from the system. All these treatments are based on the finding that a person can be cured by the word, a phenomenon difficult to understand who has not experienced as a patient or psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy does not deny the potential organic cause of psychopathology but, instead of rely on it to ignore what they tell their patients, admits that organic is not everything, what you realize the greatest long-term efficacy demonstrated by psychotherapies. Precisely because it denies the organic, can be practiced in conjunction with psychopharmacological medication as well as in absence of it. Requirements for practice psychotherapist-side: a sound theoretical and clínica.Haber practiced psychoanalysis or psychotherapy patient in place, allowing you to better understand their own. The opposite would be from two prejudices: that the patient, the mere fact of view and offered in this place, is a patient who needs the guidance and control of a psychotherapist, intended healed by the mere fact of having a titulación.Conservar always active listening, not by reducing the treatment to the application of a test battery or full compliance with strict protocols. That wrong way to proceed seems only trying to hide that psychotherapy is a relationship between two people: the patient and therapist. The mechanical application of test protocols and tries to erase the existence of both the sake of a supposed scientific científica.Respetar far from the identity of the person consulting, without ever trying to impose their own ideas and prejudices, and never be indifferent to personal.Del suffering patient's side: Be patient, ie, wait for the results of treatment without rushing or interruptions in its conclusion.

This does not mean necessarily that psychotherapies be extended in time, always depends on the duration of each case and each paciente.Participar actively in their own treatment, expressing their thoughts and feelings, even those who have a less significant, confidence grant the psychotherapist knows its value and meaning to orient them towards cura.Valorar psychotherapeutic work, even if their results are not always immediate (which does not mean they can not be), in the hope that this work will eventually manifest in their daily lives, as inevitably ocurrirá.i The psychoanalytic movement has always considered that a key part in the formation of a psychoanalyst, but the most important, is to perform their own analysis. But this position has become widespread: both Psychotherapeutic Spanish Federation and the College of Physicians of Madrid require verification of personal psychotherapy long time to recognize the ability and skill as a psychotherapist.

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