Monday, August 6, 2012

Political Liberalism

A no young today, drops the ring to work on whatever. Put another way, many can not buy their engagement rings or show off for lack of money (for work). "If I forget to tell me. Show me and I may remember. Count me and I will understand", so says a proverb of Chinese wisdom. This is why I cry all the young-women and men: count me in! (No one can live, love and die quietly ... when "the sword of Damocles" over their heads feel it: the free dismissal. Coming or not coming, but dismissed the end of the day.)

Traditional machines generating employment (Spanish multinationals) and little or nothing was done about it ... "XXI century, have stopped working one hundred percent, and have become true sources of layoffs and unemployment ... I do not remember which book I read, but what I write below is beautiful: "(...) work for a business must build trust. Must pay employees well, treat them as relatives. This will feel like a family member will die of exhaustion so that your earnings are optimal "

Apprenticeship vocational schools have not been properly advertised, and in my memory, my memory emerge that wonderful and exciting companies when worked one hundred percent of their budgets: Empresa Nacional Bazán Ferrol Arms Factory at La Coruña .. . Now we have many guys / as 24 or 25 years old with glossy degrees-or two-who have no place to develop their knowledge. Nice outlook for its current parents! The boys referred to / as have to remain in the parental homes if they do not want to starve ... and love, I would say one: you can not marry or move in with her partner, because their pockets are empty euros ...

However, the turn-Executive-The PSOE has had a bright idea: Try to prolong the working life to 67 years of age, when one can no longer ... or his pants, and a small, niche-expensive buy-not just around the corner, where, and inside, asleep numbers will be forgotten. I say and they say, a thousand times: "If I forget to tell me. Show me and I may remember. Count me and I will understand", so says a proverb of Chinese wisdom.

It is well known, and no doubt that the economic and financial crisis we are experiencing at the present time was well known, and, above all, politicians in office and read the very opposition PSOE and PP) - which did not take appropriate measures to not reach the unfortunate 'workers' strike', which are the workers suffered: And is that the rope always breaks at the weakest side.

Everyone knew and little or nothing was done about it: The job destruction was imminent. Was seen coming rapidly, because our economic control of the 17 Spanish regions, we have, is very poor: I would say one ominous, which has contributed to the destabilization of the national budget for them. Advanced-seven-league boots - to a black tunnel, whose output makes us endless, and no Spanish politician is capable of providing clear ideas out ... of the current crisis, which generates more than four million unemployed.

Everyone knew and little or nothing was done about it. It is evident that not only politicians are responsible for workers' strike in which we are immersed (also included such multinationals, national and international, always dissatisfied with their earnings, few or many, many or few, but in the end, always And ...): profits that poverty is again made an appearance in any city in the world.

Everyone knew and little or nothing was done about it: If we listen to them, the rulers-we answer: Blame orphan born! And put it another way: The fault is not named (in the sense of being the direct cause of the economic excesses that are being developed). They have not fulfilled the obligation to monitor, what we instruct them to us-the voters turn-by controlling political corruption we are going through: the 8111 municipal allegedly available to Spain, or some of them are in debt over the limits of the law: these are set at 110% of their income. Of course, the mayors of our municipalities have the power to appoint their own salaries. Amazing!

Everyone knew and little or nothing was done about it: No more to go and wait. Wait and see when they come out of those politicians sit luxurious buildings where the Spanish autonomous (in number seventeen, which exist in our "Spain poor"). They and elegantly dressed as ever thought, with the first alpaca suits, with models' loewe 'the latter: all, of course, late model, and paid for with taxpayers' money Spanish. Nice picture I describe! They are certainly not sleeping stories.

And one to insist again: Maybe today I have risen with the left foot. And I say more: I know there are political / as honest / as in our Spanish geography: I doubt not, of course! But I keep saying, I know that democracy, as least bad form of government, must be addressed by politicians, but I prefer the latter are honorable and honest. I know ... do that to accept our fledgling democracy born in 1978, and we all know, had to admit the establishment of 17 autonomous regions and two autonomous cities (Ceuta and Melilla), which have proved economically speaking disastrous for Spain and its citizens. What we are leaving expensive one and other! We have 17 viceroys in the Iberian Peninsula.

I note that today's capitalism does not convince me. It has shown itself to be in decline evident in free fall ... And not just because the free market law of supply-and-sue does not work, is bad in itself, but because capitalism has become incredibly greedy ... The great fortunes, representing multinationals, work like ravenous vultures: everything for them and nothing for other people. The businessmen have committed and are committing the whole series of abuses, have or might have, as to the precarious employment of employees (back to communism outdated!), Because no one is safe in their workplace. However, our main trade unions, CCOO and UGT-its Secretary General, Mr. Hidalgo y Méndez, are in the rear, with the strike-giant shark that grips us tightly.

One would think, and talk about Spain, it would not hurt to emerge in our beloved nation, Spanish political party, liberal hue, used to railroaded, once and for all-our nascent democracy, which has been directed for bipartisanship, the PSOE and the PP-who are doing disservice to the Spanish democracy.

If you believe, and have always believed in Political Liberalism to plant strong and true ideals minds of our youth is the future of tomorrow. If you believe, and have always believed in the political liberalism that fosters economic activity in all its forms. If you believe, and have always believed in the political liberalism that defends "family" as the upper bound of community life: married man / woman union contracts sentimental man / man, sentimental contracts unions women / female romantic partners ... I believe in all this and more. The concept of duty and love must survives in all human relationships.

La Coruna (Spain), April 24, 2011

Copyright © Mariano Cabrero is a writer

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Headlines .-

"(...) For a business to run is to build confidence. It is necessary to pay employees well, treat them as relatives. This will feel like a family member will die of exhaustion provided that your earnings are optimal "

"Everybody knew it, and little or nothing was done about it: No more to go and wait. Wait and see when they come out of those politicians sit luxurious buildings where the Spanish autonomous (in number seventeen, which exist in our 'Spain poor') "

The author

Making history ...

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