Friday, August 10, 2012

Pyramid In The Jungle


In a far away jungle inhabited by many animals, including a clever and hungry alligator, who was going through a great crisis of food shortage. While others were enjoying their favorite foods, he got a great idea, and called for dialogue:

- Friends of the forest, I come here to offer a great opportunity to increase their crop in no time. On hearing this proposal all at once asked: How? - Replied the crocodile easy - just give me some of their food and the next week I will return twice.

At that time some animals rejected the offer and others saw that the crocodile was offered a great proposal and immediately accepted the deal and began to take different kinds of food: the monkey took the last ten bananas and three coconuts from their harvest, the thirty-two rabbits grown carrots, squirrel and mouse twenty-seven acorns he took fifteen pieces of cheese in your pantry.

Once the animals carried their provisions to the crocodile told him to give them a proof that all is a reality and not a hoax. The crocodile opened its mouth to gain confidence and told them to enter one by one. The first who entered was the monkey and saw a great crop of bananas who said he was happy and in a few days _ have twenty six bananas and coconuts that serve to sustain me for the rest of life. Then went the rabbit and said, - that happiness will be mine soon sixty-six carrot with which to uphold my family. Finally the squirrel and the mouse did not talk about the excitement they felt when they see that everything was true and that soon your dreams really hurt. Once the animals confirmed the veracity of the deal with the crocodile, others are encouraged and participated with more food.

After the period of the proposal, the beneficiaries were to the crocodile to claim their food, but this time it ran very lucky. The crocodile said very kindly: - their profits are already - they just have to enter all at the same time to be served with food. That was how the wily crocodile opened its huge mouth and long, when she entered the closed and not reopened.

Other inhabitants of the jungle, they realized the situation and went to seek assistance from the lion, who immediately invited them to arm themselves with sticks, bows and stones to go for help.

The evil crocodile when he saw the angry crowd was hidden in a lake to avoid being seen, but they saw some fish, helped in his capture and among all the pinching claws, beat him with sticks and stones, and was so exclamation of pain in the unjust crocodile opened his mouth and managed to leave the animals trapped.

Once saved, all the animals came together and tied the mouth with a long rope so that not to commit so many crimes.

Finally, feeling cheated, the animals were given the acknowledgments at the Lion King, who promised to save them some help, and I advise them not to believe in things that promise to unrealistic.


FORTUNE IN LIFE IS NOT SO EASY TO GET, must be fought with effort and work to reach it.

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