Monday, August 6, 2012

The Crime Prevention in Peru

DESESPERADADA SHOW CONCERN FOR OPERATING RESULTS MEET BEFORE preventive activity. In the National Police General Officers most performing operational functions, are in favor of repressive strategies of crime and have a remarkably inquisitive and authoritarian conception, disqualify the plans and prevention programs and may even regard them as unnecessary actions because they give the image Police and spend a minimum of resources to the operation of the Office of Citizen Participation, because in any case have to comply with certain formalities. Advance details about the necessary complementarity, coordination and integration of prevention and repression of crime as components of a real strategy Criminal Police, it appears that it is unnecessary result set would not be achieved, no one wants to understand. The "preventive police" understood today by the National Police, is a means to obstruct or hinder the possibility of crime, but not effective and justify it because of their limited human resources and logistics can not do more, upon the occurrence comprobrar the development or realization of criminal conduct in the places where they were supposed to prevent crime. These criteria have been developed by authors call this type of prevention as "prevention repressive", characterized by reactive intervention, while the proactive prevention would be true but does not apply because the PNP is not trained or prepared to do so.

Usually, in his speech, the police tend to highlight their role in proactive prevention. But in reality, the police focused their daily actions in reactive intervention, ie, in response to a given. Is it efficient police prevent this?. Victimization surveys and say they do not say if police statistics. An additional difficulty for any assessment of success or failure of the police action from the evolution of statistics of criminal acts is certainly questionable that provide crime reports. We all know that victimization surveys tend to show that for every criminal act reported to the police authority occur between 2 and 3 more that go unreported. In turn, police reports have been biased by the very particular nature of each type of crime. So we know that sexual crimes go unreported but far fewer than the real, and that no other crimes reported where the complainant must respect or are dependent on the author. Also under the number of complaints when the victim says the futility of its submission by the police or judicial inefficiency.

The same happens when mounted low crime. Moreover, the decrease of complaints does not always mean improvement in public safety, although this is covered in malicious concealment of the true results. Often when people have lost confidence in the police, do not even come close to the respective units. Even worse is when certain facts of police corruption generated the feeling that cops and criminals can act in concert. Furthermore, in times of severe insecurity, evade reporting victims to avoid further testimony because of his fear of reprisals from the perpetrators or their entorno.Todo foregoing reality shows up a different way of statistics. Is Crime Prevention?. Not to mention the formal, but of the real police crime prevention, if any, does not go beyond what you can get the action of police presence on the streets on foot or in vehicles, there is nothing preventing bone, then ... Who is responsible for it?. The answer relates to what is the paradigm we want to prevent delito.El current paradigm considers that preventing the occurrence of a criminal act is simply obstruct, delay or alert the potential victim to victim does not become real, leaving that role to another is not alerted, hence the police are desperate efforts to carry out operations aimed at achieving the capture of criminals, recover stolen species, drugs, etc. ..

and show them to the press with sensational titutales, showing the alleged perpetrators of abusive and contrary to law. Moreover, to prevent crime by warning potential victims not escape some form of victimization. Today, many inhabitants of Peru we order our lives in ways that reduce risks of becoming victims. It is no longer worth the intimidation that prevails, but the crime is intimidation that is shown daily in the media comunicaciĆ²n.La lives of millions of people, particularly in urban centers, is now conditioned by fear. Fear delito.El true and reasonable fear to enter victimization statistics have changed habits and social customs. Citizens, despite having paid their taxes for sure, have had to procure their own systems. They range from changing their residence to districts or private condos with walls or fences, particularly monitoring, etc.., Ie, turning the home into a mixture of self-imposed prison, to leave their homes armed, limiting circulation times and locations , protecting doors and windows of their homes, changing recreation, clothing, limit the movements of their children, hire private security, etc.Si accept that contemporary urban societies are severely threatened by the offense as a possible statistically significant and insecurity as sensation, often agonizing, will agree that in recent decades has fostered a factor of social crisis with economic hardship, the social decline, unemployment, and insecurity of the future global personal and family to affect decisive operations quality of life of the population.

Beyond all this is the marginalization and exclusion. Is there crime prevention?. Responding to the central question of this part of the reflections, the real answer and some is: NO. NO precedent can never be absolute, but wants to reflect that no relationship exists between the logical and reasonable threat of violence and crime in society and the actions taken by the companies themselves, by states, governments and police in particular prevent its realization. What is done is enough, is not comprehensive, it is neither efficient nor effective, is superficial and does not go in overcoming the causes. Just look at the young policemen on the streets, men and women distracted, disoriented, absorbed, talking on the phone for hours, listening to MP3 music with headphones glued to their ears, totally oblivious to the world around them, they only react when someone warned that his side are committing a crime. What is done is more populist, opportunist and media, and visceral stertorous professional, technical or scientific, with a predominance of the impulse response rather than rational planning. Is there then crime prevention?

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