Thursday, September 6, 2012

Are you a Business Opportunity Seeker? 7 ways to say

You can identify a business opportunity seeker in a book store, an internet cafe, or a flea market, among other places. They hide in the business section, or may have an eBay business on the side. Are you one of these odd ducks?

Let's find out. Below you will find several things typical of people looking for business opportunity or biz opp applicants. Note yourself.

1. It has all the books with home-based business in the title?

You know the kind: 101 businesses for stay at home mom, and the like. These books can be fun to read, and are also a sure sign of an applicant opportunities.

2. Have you ever joined a network marketing business?

Do not be shy - many people have. If you have that makes you a beginner in the field of biz-opp seekers.

3. They are united with you more than ten MLM?

Okay, now we're talking! Throw in those vending machines that you have in your garage and you're a full blown opp seeker!

4. We subscribe to the magazine Home Based Business, Network Marketing News or entrepreneur?

This type of publication, more or less confirms it. You have a real habit, and may require treatment.

5. You know what it means WAHM? And if so, do you think WAHD ever become popular?

I'll save you the trouble of looking up. WAHM stands for Work at home mom. I'm trying to spread the less known WAHD, work at home dad.

6. Can you name 3 or more headquarters of the local flea markets, and their hours?

I'll take 3 online account to sell things from your garage. I personally like eBay (of course), Amazon,, and I used as well.

7. You do not have serious money in the bank?

I sincerely hope so! You have the habit of business opportunity seeker to feed - but most applicants spend their money on a new business idea, and consequently have little in the bank. More on this below.

8. Bonus item: Your spouse subject to biz-opp magazines as if they were dirty magazines?

Unfortunately, many have found this to be true. To bring home a new idea or a new book, and your wife or husband throws a tizzy fit. Not another one. Here goes the savings for the holidays. Then they warn against using 401K, your IRA, or the kids college fund.

Of course, I promise that this will work!

Admit it, you're sick. Need help. (Me too!)


If any of this causes spasms, embarrassment, loss of consciousness, or loved ones to say I told you, you should consider treatment.

In my case, I found a great opportunity that only cost a little ', and I stopped spending. My wife loved it. Then, I went and stopped to try new things for 3 years - seriously! Then, miracle of miracles, my business opportunity seeker stopped watching just to ...

I turned a profit! Really!

Here, this is the treatment: Stick with proven business opportunity or long enough to really learn how to do it. Then, make, and make some money ....

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