Thursday, September 6, 2012

Leadership Development survives lean times for a reason

Sometimes, those of us with a strong interest in organizational leadership be concerned if the makers really "get it" or not. We understand the importance of leadership development and why it should be a priority for any business or organization. We realize how wise is to develop programs that isolate and develop future leadership talent. What are they doing?

If the recent information is an indicator, it seems that! The number of respondents indicating the presence of leadership development programs and who are openly embraced as a fundamental part of their organizational strategy is increasing.

It would be good news in all circumstances but is still more worthy of celebration when you realize the context in which it is emerging.

Companies are historically more inclined to experiment and explore new ideas and projects that are difficult to connect instantly to the bottom line when times are good. When things get lean, all those "side programs" and "non-critical initiatives" tend to be reduced or canceled completely.

It does not take a newshound to recognize that we have gone through some very trying economic times over the past two years. Only an optimist would say that is a commitment to change quickly, too.

However, in this context rather frightening economic times, companies are increasing their participation in leadership development. This would seem to be a sure sign that people out there beyond the world of research and study leadership are getting. They understand the importance of these efforts sufficient to demonstrate that they were willing to implement and maintain - even when things were at their hardest.

This is a good sign for the future of those organizations and for the long term future of the economy. Leadership development is not considered an option as an afterthought. This is a standard part of core business strategies of many top-line organizations. It 'also good news for those who are actively involved in business leadership. The demand for advice and assistance to leadership development will undoubtedly remain strong.

And think about what will happen when the last economic cycle turns down and we are in a post-recession period of growth! ......

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