Thursday, September 6, 2012

Management style and organizational culture

The potential benefits of better design work are unlikely to be realized if the attention is focused on the content of jobs alone. Equal, if not more important, is the process by which the redesign is carried out. This has led to the recognition of the importance of management style and, increasingly, the culture of the organization. Central to improving the quality of working life is a participative, open style of management involving employees in decisions that affect them, including the design or selection of the technology itself. Personnel policies, including those relating to wages and benefits, should try to develop a relationship of trust between all members and sections of the organization, and a partnership approach to trust unions.

Supervision involves technical knowledge, human relations skills "and coordination of work activities. Effective control is necessary for job satisfaction and high levels of job performance. Leader of the kind and considerate behavior is able to generate the level of job satisfaction. Supervisors who adopt a considerate way towards workers tend to have the groups work more highly satisfied. Lack of job satisfaction and unhappiness in the workplace, can also result from problems associated with managers.

The increasing pace of technological and structural change made it necessary to address the issues of managing change in ways that would ensure the best outcomes for organizations and people in them. An important question is still work that asks people to run. When the change is expected, particularly if new technologies should be introduced, a 'window of opportunity' exists to think that people will work and the design of their jobs. The objective is to ensure that the quality of working life has increased rather than compromised.

Concern about the quality of working life has also been supported by government legislation, for example in the areas of labor protection, employee involvement, health and safety at work. The legislation directs management attention to the importance of the work environment and the context in which the work is done, which in turn can have a direct effect on job satisfaction. Improving job design must take into account how people perceive their present tasks and involving them in changes affecting them and their work. These ways of thinking people in the workplace .......

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