Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ice Cream Franchise

Starting your own business is a dream for many. However, few pursue this dream because of fear of failure. However, from a franchise can significantly reduce the risk associated with starting a business. With a franchise, you are automatically associated with a proven brand that people already know and trust.

Franchises are available in virtually every area of ​​business. An ice cream franchise opportunity may be just what you are looking for.

Why Ice Cream?
"I scream, you scream, everyone screams for ice cream." You know the popular saying, and it is true, everyone loves ice cream. The ice cream is more popular than ever, with sales of ice cream sales in the U.S. of about $ 23 billion. An ice cream franchise opportunity can afford to be involved in this profitable industry.

Where to open your franchise?
When you decide you want to participate in an ice cream franchise opportunity, one of the first steps will be to decide where your ice cream franchise will be located. We recommend opening a shop in a college town to take advantage of young college students who can attend your establishment on dates and other outputs. We recommend that you find in a city with a lot of young families to try to attract children. A position can increase sales, or sales of disability, so it's important that you carefully scout out possible locations before deciding.

What About winter?
When looking for an ice cream franchise opportunity, it is important to consider what to do for the winter. Ice cream sales eliminate about 50% in winter than at other times during the year. One way to avoid this crisis in business is to find the ice cream franchise in a city that does not have a cold winter. Southern California, Phoenix, Las Vegas or other places will have increased demand for ice cream during the colder winter months than in cities. In addition, you can run special promotions during the winter to try to increase demand.

Franchising possible?
There are many ice cream franchises to consider. You should choose a franchise that has national recognition, as Ben and Jerry, Coldstone or Dairy Queen. You could also choose a franchise that has a more regional appeal.

What does being a franchisee?
It 's important to remember that when you open a franchise, you are part of something bigger. There will be a franchisee and the largest company granting you the ice cream franchise opportunity is the Franchisor. The Franchisor is there to help you along the way, and you will be required to meet certain business needs. Also, since you get a proven brand name, you will be required to pay a license fee, as well as continuing royalties to the franchisor.

Ready to start?
Sounds like an ice cream franchise opportunity is for you? If so, now is the time to begin the process. Remember, franchising is the best kept secret of the 21 st century!...

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