Monday, September 3, 2012

Business Ethics Where did

In today's society would have to ask where was the ethics go? It would seem that the objectionable behavior is the norm. All you have to do is watch the evening news to hear about the next corporate scandal or politicians who are the subtraction of some business profit under the table, or the local boy scout leader taking advantage of the boys under his care. Where did the customs of this country go?

What are the ethics? According to Webster's dictionary, ethics is "the system of moral values, the principal of right or good conduct." When one is doing business of any kind, professional or personal, ethical behavior should be above all. Customers should know that you put their interests first. It's not what we expect when we do business with someone? As consumers, we expect our business knowledge to put our interest first?

When you convey a sense of honesty and when you can make your customers feel special, they draw back to you. They look to you for products and information, because they feel they can trust. The trust is so under estimated, we throw the word around, but never take the time to really think about what it means. According to Webster's dictionary definition of trust is "confidence or faith in a person or thing."

Trust, are your customers trust you? This should be a question we all ask? Your customers are sure that you are a man of honest business? I'm sure you do not cheat or mislead them in your dealings? I'm sure they will put their interests first and think about their needs above your profit? Trust = trust = faith. If your customers are confident in you, then you trust and have confidence in you to lead them in the right direction to make quality business decisions.

But the first time someone you trust breaks that trust, you never forget. It stays with you for a very long time if not forever. If a customer feels the trust has been broken between you something you did in your dealings with them, then you've lost a customer. Losing customers to unfair trade practice is commercial suicide. People share their experiences with each other and if thwarted in unethical practices by you, these experiences are damaging to corporate reputation. When a person says to another who had bad experience with your company, the other person always believes, even if they are foreigners. Words have power and you just want good positive words spoken your business. It 's almost impossible to heal the wounds created by business ethical business practices.

In business it is essential to always have the edge over their business practices. Always treat your customers as if it were something to be treated. Yes, the golden rule still works, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Always be ethical and honest and your customers know they can trust you and you will return sales .......

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