Sunday, September 2, 2012

Disagreements! ...

Disagreements! .. Pablo Zelaya Sierra.

Within two years of enfrentamientoideológico, political, social, economic, religious, moral and ethical into society in Honduras. Again "Brother Against Brother" as well, plasmaraNuestro painter Pablo Zelaya Sierra National, reborn on June 28, 2009, parafortalecer antipathy and grudge between us.

I still remember, that fateful day, where dioun blow to constitutional order of a people. I can recap the details Detodas lived, but without doubt, the most "damage" was that made us instinctively maneracasi spiteful, in which we were placing in the only two sides, clearly defined, the beaten and the coup. The white bras Ylos "vague." Both, we call ourselves to be masters of the truth. Both raise our fists to defend a position that essentially distilled animosity, antipathy, even curse.

And we went away, little by little, more and more unfathomable abismofue and coldness reign in our minds and corazones.Amistades of children were damaged and broken into two whole tajadas.Familias were apart, sustaining all ... half-truths.

These two years were signed with blood, two years inthis pejorative phrases are empowered in our mouths, hands ymuchas were even able to pull the trigger of a gun. "Equal" to the famous oil painting Pablo Zelaya Sierra, where he observes unhombre-Honduran with a machete in one hand and on the other, the head of his vecino.Estos two years have been the best school we have had: learn to leave the streets, raising his head, losing fears, to confront and confrontarposturas data, with evidence in hand, verifiable argument. Recordemosque before this event, we were dozing each in its own, individualistic and not collective consciousness.

What is left? Back in the first place, laadmiración of each other. Yes, admiration! for being authentic, in that historic moment, capable of acting with premeditation and a benefit, the plot porhaber made an almost divine resource to harass the other. For Habers utilized, abusive, unfaithful, disloyal. Others, for being naive, honest, silly, foolish. Other perhaps less, for making a waste demaldad, townhouse scoundrels. Having reacted to such injustice, abuse and despotism. For saying we want fairness, righteousness and peace porhaber lost. If we lost LaPaz, violence won. Lost love, won disgust. We lost peace, we gain vividness. We lost faith, doubt win. We lost will, ultimately prisión.Al win ... everybody wins insight, perception and memory,

What remains Honduran brothers? Back to lainteligencia to recognize my errors in the first instance, misinexactitudes, my ravings, my carelessness. And build from grace and laequidad, a family-Honduran with a different perspective.

The trouble is not in thinking differently, that fight can lose recordemosel, who does not fight has already lost. And after the struggle for life, the only battle must be fought against ignorance is. Not vanoFranz Kafka said: "In your struggle against the world, I suggest you put yourself on the side of the world."

Diana Espinal Meza.


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