Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Legends Customer Service - It 's still Nordstrom Nordstrom?

I was having a nice conversation with a customer the other day when she said that she and her semi-rural neighbors "think nothing of driving an hour or hour and a half to get to a Nordstrom store."

The reason: "We know that we will be treated fairly when we, unlike what happens when we visit local retailers."

I smiled wide but invisible because we were chatting on the phone.

It 'was inadvertently added to the "Nordstrom Legend".

A lot of people do.

Yes, compared to its local dealers, who work hard but his mother, rather rough and Pops, Nordstrom is still a refreshing oasis in the Sahara.

But in my opinion, is not as strong as it was in providing a service expert, and was probably never as Olympian as his myth represented.

The key to Nordstrom's reputation was the commitment to ensure customer satisfaction, which has eroded over time, and today it is less clear and complete definition of what is offered by Costco, one of the most successful chain of stores offering discounts "warehouse".

Nordstrom Legend, often repeated in books of dew-eyed customer service and products, has argued that one of the great originals of the companies actually provide a cash refund for a truck tire that has never sold, just to create a happy customer .

And for several years, you could get a full refund if your white shirts reduced "to size doll", as mine did after several months of washing. I told my readers of this episode in my book, monitoring, measurement and MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE.

However, those days are gone, at least in some shops, dealing with certain employees, which appear to be "power" not to honor the guarantee, or make it difficult to recall. I asked a local partner, Nordstrom if the policy had been changed. She whispered that some customers have unfair advantage, and things had changed, but unofficially.

Compare this incredible offer Costco, which is not widely publicized. Let's say you buy a $ 500 camera or plasma TV from $ 3,500 today, which is believed to become obsolete in three years. Bring your camera or back TV, with proof in hand, and you'll get a full refund.

Will they give you a refund on a $ 7,000 grand piano?

When I asked, the answer I got was: "Yes."

It 's convenient and useful to have the icons of success that you can point and examples of good, better and better customer service. However, it is worthwhile to check if the reputation is still good.

Cosco today may not be tomorrow.

Remember that sensational book by Tom Peters, In Search of Excellence, which was released in 1980? He listed more than 40 companies that were at the top of their game.

Where are they now?

Look closely and you will find most of them fell out of favor, while others totally disappeared long ago .......

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