Monday, September 3, 2012

Business Ethics in America

In order to fully understand the ethics and how they relate to the business, we must first define its key components. Ethics can be divided into three categories: social, organizational and individual. Companies are bound by social ethics that challenge them to take account of their actions its corporate officers, management, and stakeholders, who aspire to gain financially from the economic conventional and unconventional. The organizational ethics involve a shared sense of pride and responsibility for employees, managers and companies. They are part of an overall philosophy that is shared across the enterprise. Ethics involve our individual concepts of right and wrong that come from many different sources. Religious beliefs can often play a significant role in the ethical path many choose to follow.

What motivates a company to act ethically in business? What prevents companies to generate profits as much as possible, regardless of the ethical implications of their actions? The general public, as well as business partners, we expect that companies will conduct business ethically and with the utmost consideration for social responsibility. When companies do not reach those expectations, the end result often leads to punishment and harmful advertising. Firms engaged in an unethical manner run the risk of damaging not only its stakeholders, but also the general public. The companies that act ethically give a sense of trust and responsibility in both local and national communities, this type of trust can often promote strong business alliances.

Ethical problems occur in many forms for many different reasons in the course of business. Unfortunately, companies often unwittingly employ people that moral values ​​are lower than that of a responsible citizen. These workers often put their own greed and selfishness before the welfare and safety of others, simply for their own financial gain .......

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