Sunday, September 2, 2012

Executive Coaching For High potential leaders - Spotting the Right Leadership DNA

Developing leaders is the lifeblood of an organization. Successful organizations fill a pipeline full of potential right leaders.

I provide consulting leadership for a number of organizations. I find that many do not have a competency-based succession management program. Top leadership frequently evaluates an incomplete list of leadership competencies in determining the future leaders.

How effective you are at high stain potential future leaders?

Most companies have a wrong idea of ​​what a leader is really not. Managers focus on an incomplete list of personal characteristics, which hinders them when you try to find a real talent for leadership early on.

Young executives who are smart, creative command attention and respect, and financially able. They combine their mental abilities with a strong work ethic and drive to achieve. They are often promoted rapidly, but can not really get the right leadership traits.

The best results are usually the most visible, but not necessarily essential for leadership. Many managers confuse the two issues and identify the wrong people as high potential.

Many of the personality traits and skills associated with leadership in the past are insufficient today. You need to identify other indications that a person may be able to lead a business unit or an entire society in a context of emerging business.

As with DNA, two strands of a helix of motor fuel internal corporate executives:

1. People acumen: the ability to harness the energy of others

2. Business acumen: the understanding of how a company makes money

When the future leaders are in their 20s, these lines are already in place. Each company has talented leadership, but stain is essential to identify leadership potential.

How are you able to spot leadership potential?

Working with an experienced executive coach trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating leadership assessments such as the Bar-On EQ-i and CPI 260 can help you become a leader who is very competent to spot leadership potential. You can become a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and that inspires people to become happily engaged with the strategy and vision of society .......


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