Sunday, September 9, 2012

Whatever Happened to CorelDream 3D? - 3D Graphics Tools

The world of 3D animations is better defined as "breathtaking", 3D art can illustrate and create worlds that exist only in our imagination and can give life to all those fantasies and creations we only saw in our dreams, but a couple decades ago the thought of even drawing something remotely similar to what we saw in dreams was completely ridiculous, the quality of the images, vectors, rendering and animation was simply impossible at the moment. If you have seen Photoshop creations then would agree that the tools of manipulation of images is excellent for creating good looking picture, however the Photoshop suite was mainly designed to handle photography and simple animations and other instruments that were designed specifically for the web include Macromedia flash programs that allow web designers to embed beautiful animations in web pages, but the full suite of tools for 3D graphics does not end here.

Have you ever wondered what kind of tools were used to create animations of incredible films such as Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Shrek, cars, etc.? with regard to digital images that have characters that you know are not real, but it came so close to reality it could also confuse? For this type of work is yet another suite of tools that focus on the creation and manipulation of 3D animation as well as 3D video, you can not use tools like Photoshop to get the results you achieve with applications such as CorelDream 3D. This application is bundled with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, but after some time the company Corel has decided to cease further development of this tool, then this tool is also sold under the name of Ray Dream Designer, but this product has been discontinued as well.

These products have great potential, but for one reason or another the company responsible for developing and maintaining the instrument failed to do so until the product has been sold to another company, DAZ Productions. This company has been working on 3D and has given a new name, Carrara. The latest version is 6.1, this tool has been improved and allows 3D artists to bring their imagination to life through a series of tools that allow objects to be rotated at any angle and animate spherical, entire virtual landscapes can be easily created compared to other instruments and beautiful girls as well as scary dragons can be designed with this tool.

Graphic designers who specialize in 3D animation know that there are many other tools out there for this kind of work, but the question that started as CorelDream 3D evolved into a very robust, now called Carrara 6 .......

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