Monday, September 10, 2012

Slogan Writing the Easy Way

Imagine the scene! You're sitting at home, resting on the dining room table. Chewing on pen tops, surrounded by receipts, registration forms, labels and all sorts of comping paraphernalia.

For the twenty-fifth time you asked yourself why you want to win a trip to America to see a basketball game with XYG camps and still are not closer to finding the answer. Does this sound familiar?

Not surprisingly, disappointed and disheartened. So, what happens next?

It can be used for sending such a chestnut who has won countless awards renewed both in its original or renewed, for example:

"Connoisseurs selects them, perfects them promoters"

"The experts select, customers prefer it"

This sort of thing!

Or, perhaps, like me, just make yourself a nice cup of hot tea, turn on the TV and see what's happening in your favorite soap. So, I thought, there must be a better way. Seek and ye shall find.

The answer came to me while on board, of all things. Give your little gray cells brain to solve a problem, so instead of worrying, forget it, not some other task, such as gardening, ironing or cooking dinner, and voila, when you least expect it, the answer comes to mind. So it was with the writing slogans.

My four steps to writing slogans for success are: brainstorming, phrases, tiebreakers, glittering slogans. I stole cars and parties using this method.

Well, back to ironing. Tedious job, but still, was when the inspiration strikes. Instead of turning phrases round to see if they sound better in a tie-break, why not turn the whole thing to write slogans on his head.

Instead of writing a playoff slogan to fit a competition lead-in line, why not write a password and then simply wait for the competition right to come forward. Eureka!

Immediately the pressure off. How many times have you waited until 29 months to think of a slogan to adapt quickly to a comp that closes on 31. Come on now. Confession time. Yes, of course you have. Me too.

Much better, do not you think if you have a wonderful ten slogans that have spent time perfecting, from which to select a measure that competition last minute. Wonderful.

No More Last plummeted. No pressure. No nail biting. Just excellent slogans when you want. Purr-perfect! Oops, sorry, this is my comp pet food!

Just imagine, if the judges have waded their way through thousands of fifteen words, rhyming slogans, which sound like sleepy - zzzzzzzz. Oops nearly dozed off! Then wow! Your crisp, short, snappy little number comes. They sit up and take notice.

"Hey Fred, get this." "This is our winner."

Magic words, eh? This is what you are aiming for. Let me give you an example.

My daughter decided she wanted to become a singer, "but," he said. Why is there always a but? If you are a parent, you're probably closer to the answer to me!

"But what?" I ventured.

"I can not afford the equipment."

"No problem", I said, "we'll win ', I said, I felt safer than when she gave me a deadline of three weeks to win.

So we took off to the newsagents and bought four glossy music magazines.

Out came Pun-ch Lines! snappy slogans. In the section "Music" heading, we chose one that fit perfectly. The blurb quoted text in opera, classical music, golden oldies and catchy melodies small.

"I will sing with my new sound system, because ..."

"It would be a gold-en opera-tune-ability"

£ 2,000 worth of stereo later, what he had done. Promptly gave up singing!

Daughters, who would have 'em! ......

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