Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gems and conditions - ask for the sale at least once before you leave!

You may have heard the expression that teachers learn by teaching.

Through research, course design, content delivery, discussion and feedback, teachers grow and stay fresh.

The same goes for sales consultants and customer satisfaction, making the area very interesting for me over the years. I study the current practices of my clients, and in many cases, are quite good and I pick up on new concepts and techniques that work, and have not yet been widely disseminated.

One of my clients is the head of his company's office automation, specializing in the sale of Sharp and Toshiba systems. One day, I was watching him form a new group of vendors, and a number of gems thrown their way, one of which I share with you.

He said: "If you had the time to introduce yourself to a prospect, always, and I mean ALWAYS, ask for the sale at least once before you leave!"

This seemed so basic, so elementary, that, of course, his reluctant recruits.

"And if you have not completed the presentation?" one of them challenged.

"Ask for the sale at least once, before leaving," he repeated.

"And if the past has barely said hello, and tell him what you sell?" another query.

"Ask for the sale at least once, before leaving," he echoed as calmly and confidently as anyone I've ever seen.

"And if it is completely screwed up and put his foot in his mouth, then?" Another newcomer asked.

"Ask for the sale at least once, before leaving," he pronounced with the purposes and the sweetness of an essay.

When the questions stopped, and faces doubters have been replaced by smiles aware, went on to say:

"It 's heartbreaking as sellers work harder without cashing in their efforts. If you ask for the sale at least once, you will be amazed by how many offers you can earn, simply because you asked" .......

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