Saturday, September 1, 2012

Continuing Education - 4 ways to avoid losing money on Conferences

The conferences are an essential ingredient of being in business. In today's fast technology, the entrepreneur who fails to stay current with the trends will soon be left in the dust. Most business owners to participate in 3 or more conferences each year and spend as much as $ 15 000 on the conference itself.

A typical conference has a record of $ 1.000 to 2500 per person and includes 2-3 day stay in a luxury hotel. All those who live more than 4 hours from the position most likely need airline tickets as well. With rooms that go for $ 100 - $ 150 a night flight and off the charts, which could mean a lot of expense.

Here are 4 ways to avoid losing your hard earned dollars and stay in the forefront:

1. Early Bird Registration can save up to 25% of the cost of registration. For a conference cost of $ 2500, could mean a saving of up to $ 500.

2. Register with a friend when the conference offers a discount for doing so. Many do give discounts of 10-15% simply bring a friend.

3. The first planes Reservations Plan 3-4 months in advance and save up to 75%. For example, the flight from LAX to Atlanta cost about $ 300 if you plan early, but jumps to $ 800 when you schedule less than a month before.

4. Sharing a hotel room you can save up to 50%. Some hotels actually charge the same room, if it is occupied by one person or two.

So, if you register early (and save $ 500), have a friend (save another $ 200), and have a roommate (to save $ 50 a night for a total of $ 150), you save a average of $ 850. Making airline reservations early, you could save another $ 500 for a huge total of $ 1350 will not be out of the bottom line.

The moral of the story: plan ahead. This is a case in which the time is really money....

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