Monday, September 10, 2012

Ideas of branding for small businesses

Create your own brand is the first step to a successful marketing campaign for the company. Brand is everything when it comes to advertising. When you have a brand, you are more likely to be recognized and remembered by your customers, as well as your potential customers.

So, how do you create an effective brand for your business? Here are foolproof ideas to help you create that unique brand that sets you apart from the rest of the competition.

First things first - your business cards are your representation to your clients, colleagues and prospects. And 'the instrument for introducing the contact information besides your name and your company as well. This is a no brainer, therefore, that your custom cards should have your address as well as your phone number. No matter if you're a designer working from home, or your shop is adjacent to the garage - you must have your address on your business card printing pieces.

A location and contact information that customers can go to or call greatly enhances your credibility as well as your reliability. An address helps you create a set that customers can count on. For privacy issues, however, you can always use a PO Box address so you will not need to give away their home location.

Secondly, never leave your home without your business cards in full color. This is practically a no-no when it comes to marketing your business. Every moment, every place and every person you meet is an opportunity that presents itself. Bring a batch of your cards with you wherever you go allows you more opportunity to meet other people your business. The same goes with your other print ads such as brochures, flyers, postcards, posters and catalogs.

Always remember to reduce marketing costs. This is the third suggestion. Especially that you are a small company operating with a limited budget, you will always have a problem trying to make ends meet as advertising per se is costly and expensive. Coming up with creative ways to decrease the cost of printing business cards, for example, you can save a lot of money you can allocate to other expenses.

What about your letterhead? Want to save them too? The fourth tip is to design your letterhead to be used as paper for invoices, flyers, proposals, press releases, media kits in some documents, and anything else you need to have your logo and company name. Not only do they provide a professional image with your trademark in all marketing materials, you also help your customers and prospects is easily remembered.

Finally, think of creative ideas to help get your message out there. And do not forget your name and contact information. Several times the audience sees your ad, the better the chances of getting your brand recognized and retained in the minds of your customers....

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